CityView Magazine

April 2020v2

CityView Magazine - Fayetteville, NC

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Dahlia Michael, DMD Pediatric Dentist Melinda Cunningham, DDS Pediatric Dentist Brett Alvey, DDS Board Certified Orthodontist Faith McGibbon, DDS Senior Partner and Pediatric Dentist Jordan Olsen, DDS Partner and Pediatric Dentist Trang Nguyen, DDS Pediatric Dentist Nicholas Bland, DMD Pediatric Dentist LaColis Reed, DDS Pediatric Dentist Najmeh Shahbazi, DMD Pediatric Dentist Our team of Pediatric Dentists are ready to serve your family for years to come. There is a reason that we have been voted Best of Fayetteville for years… we are a local company serving local families. It's as simple as that. Give us a call today to find out why we are consistently the number one choice for family dentistry in Fayetteville. Pediatric Dentists, General Dentists, Sedation Dentistry, Orthodontics, Frenectomies, and much more! For more information, visit us online at Fayetteville 2029 Valleygate Dr. #201 Fayetteville NC 28304 910-485-8884 Hope Mills 5710 Rockfish Rd. Hope Mills NC 28348 910-424-3623 Eastover 3551 Dunn Rd. #102 Eastover NC 28312 910-437-0232 Dental Health Assoc. 1031 Weiss Ave. Fayetteville NC 28305 910-486-4180 St. Pauls 312 W. McLean St. St. Pauls NC 28384 910-446-1130 Raeford 104 W. Southern Ave. Raeford NC 28376 910-875-4008 Laurinburg 109 McAlpine Lane Laurinburg NC 28352 910-276-6640 INTRODUCING

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