Desert Messenger is your local connection for news, events, and entertainment!
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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Marilyn McFate 4 Deere Run T-shirt 5 Big Tent recap 5 Heroes Appreciation Day 6 Editorial 7 Quilt winner 7 Metal Detecting Club 8 We call him Norby 9 Restaurants 10 Saga of inept ukulele student 11 The Salvation Army Updates 12 Around Town 15 Party in the Park planned 16 QIA Mum 17 Two acoustic jams 18 Will your license fl y? 19 Blood Drive 20 Museum updates 22 HerbMama 23 Nancy's Kitchen 24 In Memoriam 26 Churches 32 BBB Subscription warnings 28 Classifeds 28 Paul Winer's Cartoon 30 Annexation 30 Editor's Choice Ribbon 31 PHOTOS • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, February 19, 2020 VOL. 16 # 315 Now in our 1 6 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! February 20 Museum updates Nancy's Kitchen Quartzsite Quilt Show celebrated fiber artistry QUARTZSITE I Walk in the Past planned Saturday, Feb. 22 Quartzsite Historical Pageant "A Walk in the Past" set for Saturday, February 22, 2020 By Joanne Winer Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 22 at 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. for the Quartzsite Historical Pageant--A Walk in the Past. This fun event is being held again at the Hi Jolly Cemetery in the pioneer section. It will feature many of the "characters" who made up our town from back when it was fi rst started in 1867. The pioneer cemetery has been one of the most vis- ited places in Arizona because of the centerpiece of a rock pyramid that was put in as a memorial to our famous camel driver Hi Jolly (or Hadji Ali.) He came over with the group of camels that were brought to America to see if they could become transport animals across the deserts here like they were in the eastern part of the world. The experiment was stopped when the Civil War broke out and all the troops had to go back east. Other famous people who are buried in our pioneer cemetery are Buck Conners, who became a famous Hollywood actor playing in many western movies--his young son is buried next to him. The Scott family is very well known in this area for their wonderful contributions to the community over the years. When William Scott met his future wife An- gela he probably never thought that he would end up being one of the biggest families (12 children--2 died at birth) and that his family would still have decendents here 150 years later! There are also other family names that you might have heard of or seen on street signs around town like Cowell, Kuehn, and Hagely. These were also very important people in our history. All these and more will be played in costume at this fun event. Come on out and spend the after- noon learning about the history of this area and meeting some of our pioneers and local residents who have made the town what it is to- day. The pageant is free and every- one is welcome. You can reach the pioneer section of the cemetery by going north on Kofa Street to the entrance to the cemetery on the left side, or by going down Cemetery Road, just north of Main Street and turning right to the cemetery. Come and join in all the fun!!! ������ | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� 2019 Janet Nieuwenhoff once again amazed crowds with her "Daddy's Hand 2019" quilt made with 41,500 1/4 inch pieces. Photos Page 30-31