Desert Messenger

February 05, 2020

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Desert Flyers 5 Free Clinic 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Pow Wow Comes & Goes 9 Restaurants 10 Museum Updates 11 The Salvation Army Updates 12 Around Town 15 3 Generations of Fun 16 BBB to Visit Chamber 16 2nd Amendment Sanctuary 21 Quilters Updates 22 Band Scramble 23 Reluctant Ukelele III 25 Kerry Christianson 26 HerbMama 27 Coronavirus Updates 28 Protect ID 31 Salome High Updates 31 In Memoriam 32 BBB Subscription warnings 33 Nancy's Kitchen 34 Churches 36 Classifeds 36 Paul Winer's Cartoon 49 PHOTOS • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, February 5, 2020 VOL. 16 # 314 Now in our 1 6 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! February 5 Paul Winer's Cartoon J���� M������ �������� C���������� P��� G����'� ����������� ���� ����� ���� ������� ������ | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� QUARTZSITE I Local sailor welcomed home Quartzsite, AZ - A heartfelt Welcome Home ceremony was held January 23, 2020 for Quartzsite Sailor E5 Jorge Moreira, Jr. VFW Borderline AZ Riders escorted Moreira & his family to Town Park where citizens gathered to welcome Moreira home. Mayor Norm Simpson presented Moreira with a certifi cate from Congress- man Paul Gosar. Moreira just returned from a grueling 10-month deployment at sea. He is enjoying two weeks with family & friends before returning to active duty. Mayor Simpson said, Moreira "was raised here in Quartzsite, where he truly became a 'home town' young man. We are very proud of you, Jorge, and thank you for your service." VFW BORDERLINE AZ RIDERS ESCORT AND HONOR JORGE MOREIRA FOR HIS SERVICE TO OUR NATION

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