Desert Messenger

April 03, 2013

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April 3, 2013 Quartzsite to receive CDBG funds Town of Quartzsite Public Hearing Regarding Use of CDBG Funds The Town of Quartzsite is expected to receive approximately $167,231 in FY 2012 federal Community Developent Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the Arizona Department of Housing Regional Account (RA). CDBG funds must be used to benefit low-income persons and areas, alleviate slum and blight or address urgent need. Two public hearings will be held at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm on April 3, 2013 at Quartzsite Community Center, 295 Chandler St. to gather citizen input on the use of the CDBG funds. Examples of possible uses include the following: 1) Public infrastructure(e.g., water, wastewater, street improvements); 2) Community facilities (e.g., parks, health clinics, libraries, senior or youth centers); 3) Housing (e.g., owner-occupied or multi-family rehab, utility connections on private property, new housing constructed by a non-profit); 4) Public services (e.g., paying the salary of an additional staff person to expand a Head Start program, purchasing a van to transport persons with disabilities, equipment and rent to start a new job training program; and 5) Economic development (e.g., a loan to a business for job creation, microenterprise development, acquisition of land for an existing business expansion). For more information about hearing, grievances, the CDBG program or to receive assistance in formulation prospective project ideas for presentation at the hearing contact the following: Terry Frausto, Town Clerk, Town of Quartzsite, 465 N. Plymouth Ave. P.O. Box 2812, Quartzsite, AZ 85346 Tel.: (928) 927-4333.Fax: (928) 9274400. TTY: (928) 927-3762 Quartzsite Transit Services (Updated 4-03-13) Available to our elderly, elderly disabled and disabled populations Our hours of operation are 8:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Pickups will begin at 8:20am; scheduling may be done two weeks in advance. An adult must accompany riders under 10 years of age. There is limited occupancy of 8 passengers depending on the size of the van available. To schedule a pickup call Quartzsite Town Hall at 928-927-4333. VAN SCHEDULE & SUGGESTED DONATIONS FOR SERVICE (round trip) Monday Local QUARTZSITE $ 3 Tuesday (1st & 3rd ) BLYTHE $10 Tuesday (2nd & 4th ) PARKER $10 Wednesday (1st, 3rd, 5th ) YUMA/ALGODONES $15 Wednesday (2nd & 4th) LAKE HAVASU CITY $15 Wednesday Local QUARTZSITE $ 3 Thursdays PARKER $10 Fridays Local QUARTZSITE $ 3 -H We sell U AUL BOXES 9 BEST AUTO RV & TRUCK REPAIR S ! ERVICE YOU CAN DEPEND ON 585 N. Central Quartzsite Open Mon-Fri 8-5 Johnny DelPino, Owner 928-927-8787 Quartzsite Town Council updates By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear March 19th, 2013. Quartzsite Mayor Ed Foster requested a Work session to held 15 minutes before the Planning and Zoning Work session with Mark Goldberg. When asked about the unusual move, Desert Messenger was told it was so Foster or other council members could participate in the P & Z Work Session without violating Open Meeting Laws. Council met at 3:45pm March 19th, recessed until just prior to 3pm, adjourned to Work Session. Planning & Zoning Commission Board members met at 4pm, adjourned to Work Session. Mark Goldberg spoke to the four P & Z board members, council and attendees about the role of zoning boards. The very informative discussion lasted well past 5pm. Tuesday, March 26th. Council APPROVED a an Intergovernmental Agreement with AZ Dept. of Transportation for a Safe Routes to School Project. Total Federal Funds $ 396,089.00. The project consists of construction of new sidewalks on the west side of Moon Mountain Ave., from Main St. to Quail Trail, on the east side of Kofa Ave., from Quail Trail to Arizona Western College Learning Center and on the north side of Coyote St., from Plymouth Rd. to Ed Options High School. Approved agreement with Curtis, Goodwin, Sullivan, Udall & Schwab, PLC, to provide the services action of Town Attorney for the Town of Quartzsite. Angel Lund - President of local Gold Prospector Association of America, Parker Chapter, spoke on SEE COUNCIL PAGE 10 RODNEY D. HENDERSON, MD P.C. BOARD CERTIFIED ORTHOPAEDIC SURGEON 2281 W. 24th Street, Suite 1 Yuma, AZ 85364 (928) 726-2990 (928) 726-0786 Fax Dr. Henderson keeps current on the newest advances in orthopaedic care including: Adult Hip & Knee Reconstruction Anterior Approach to Hip Replacement Shoulder Injuries Sports Injury Medicine Surgical Arthroscopy Minimally Invasive Surgery Most Insurance plans accepted

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