Desert Messenger

April 03, 2013

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March 20, 2013 La Paz Regional Hospital celebrates 40 years 40 years of Service, 40 Years of Pride 1973-2013 and new ways to promote healthier lifestyles. However, it is the local physician, Parker, Arizona - March 30 was Nathe mainstream doctor who carries on tional Doctor's Day, created in 1991 by the quiet work of healing each day in then President George Bush to honor communities like ours throughout the the men and women who chose the United States -- indeed, throughout medical profession. It takes 23 years the world. Common to the experience of schooling to create a physician, and of each of them, from the specialist in more if the residency is longer than research to the general practitioner, three years, as it is for some of the are hard work, stress, and sacrifice. more advanced specialties. Medicine They engaged in years of study and is a special calling, more than the training, often at great financial cost. application of science and technolMost endure long and unpredictable ogy, and those who have chosen this hours, and many must cope with the vocation understand the tremendous conflicting demands of work and famresponsibility it entails. ily life. Dr. Elmer Hess, a former president No healthcare is possible without of the American Medical Associathe dedication and experience they tion, once wrote: "There is no greater provide to all of us. Each one of us, reward in our profession than the either by choice or by chance, has knowledge that God has entrusted us been profoundly touched and our lives with the physical care of His people. improved by a physician's compasThe Almighty has reserved for Himsionate and professional care. Physiself the power to create life, but He cians are responsible for a wide range has assigned to a few of us the respon- of our short and long-term healthcare sibility of keeping in good repair the needs such as sickness and health bodies in which this life is sustained." care, screenings and immunizations, Accordingly, reverence for human as well as the acute needs of traumatic life and individual dignity is both the injury and disease. hallmark of a good physician and the The future is always unsure, and today key to truly beneficial advances in more than ever, the future course of medicine. healthcare is being challenged at every The day-to-day work of healing level. Challenging days are ahead for conducted by physicians throughout our healthcare system. Take a mothe United States has been shaped, ment to thank-your physician for the in large part, by great pioneers in time he took to become a physician, medical research, like Albert Sabin for the time he takes to care for you, and Jonas Salk, who created the first and for your community. vaccines for polio. Members of the National Institute for Health are helpLa Paz Regional Hospital. 1200 W. ing lead the fight against AIDS, cancer Mohave Road, Parker, Arizona and other life-threatening diseases. (928) 669-7300 Research physicians continue to diligently find new medicines, new cures, DEADLINE IS WED. APRIL 10 for APRIL 17TH issue of the Desert Messenger Email: Phone: 928-916-4235 5 RV SPACES STORAGE VENDOR SPACES ON MAIN STREET 543 W. Main, Quartzsite Call: 360-961-3866 Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. ~ Og Mandino Quartzsite General Store, LLC We'll be OPEN ALL SUMMER for our valued locals with our FRIENDLY Service LOW Prices! Starting April 15th we will close at 6pm Stop in and see us! THE MANAGEMENT TEAM Don & Lois Moore Rick & Sherri Garlow Quality Meats at VERY Affordable Prices! Open Daily from 8am to 7pm For all your GROCERY NEEDS & MOORE! Beer & Wine Fresh Retail & Wholesale Meats Homemade Sausages Arizona Lottery & Pick Fish & Game Licenses A.P.S. Pay Station We Accept EBT and Debit Cards 410 E. Main Street, Quartzsite • 928-927-6310 IRONWOOD OUTPOST, LLC 225 North Central Quartzsite, AZ 85359-4750 Office: 928-927-8543 Fax: 928-550-7020 Conveniently located in the Horizon Community Bank parking lot ANNOUNCING NEW ENHANCED MAIL SERVICES COME SEE US This year we are introducing our new mail meter which will allow cer�fied le�ers and other mail to be processed through our office. Ironwood Outpost, LLC, is an established private mail box service and shipping company that offers secure, friendly, personalized service at compe��ve prices. In fact, one of our clients had this to say about our service; "...I am glad to say I found the answer, Ironwood Outpost Mail Service. These people are the most efficient and friendly of all the mail services that I have used in the past... Do yourself a favor and try Ironwood Outpost. You will love their service too." - Marvin, 2011. In addi�on to private mail boxes, we offer a range of other services so we can assist you with a variety of your needs • NOTARY There are two notaries on staff to service our walk-in customers. • UPS/FEDEX We ship UPS & FedEx, take Return Label packages and allow you to deliver to our address. • OFFICE SERVICES: Copies, fax (incoming amd outgoing), email retrieval, etc.

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