Desert Messenger

April 03, 2013

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22 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." CLASSIFIEDS LAST CHANCE!! 8" Grinder/polisher with arbor, motor, water coolant system, 220 grinding wheel and 3000 grit Diamond Pacific Nova wheel! Just reduced! Asking $375 OBO. May consider gold, silver or gold prospecting equipment trade or partial trade. 605-376-8754 2 RV SPACES FOR RENT in quiet private property. Close to everything! $200/ month + electric. 192 Roadrunner, off Mockingbird & No Name. 559-593-6165. AUXILIARY FUEL TANKS, 100gal & 115gal both. w/ pumps.Call AL 928-9276672 HAUL YOUR ATV , ATV Rack for atop of a pickup. Haul a side by side, 2 ATVs etc. works in long or Short bed, Load from Rear or Sides ! They sell for $2,695.00 plus shipping. Asking Best Offer. May accept Something ?? Partial Trade ?? Call "AL" 928927-6672 ASSISTANT MANAGER POSITION for Quartzsite RV Park: to assist w/ occassional maintanence needs, bi-weekly community center maintanence & able to lift 50 lbs - if needed. Prefer couple. References & background check will be done. (623)337-3510 MANAGER WANTED for small seasonal RV Park in Quartzsite. Minimal duties. No experience needed in exchange for RV space rent. Call 928-899-1210 or 928-499-8128. APT. FOR RENT 1 bedroom., fully furnished w/ washer & dryer. Centrally located with plenty of parking, $750/mo. + dep. 250 E. Main, Quartzsite. 928-9160848 or 928-927-4290. KETTLE CORN business for sale, Quartzsite area. Includes canopy, equipment and inventory. $3500. Will train, Call 970-7992939 for details. ORIGINAL NINTENDO game system, with games, hookups, & controllers. Pristine condition, $200/or best cash offer. 928-9276021 2 RCA 300 DISC CD players for $175 each or Both for $300. 760-220-0013 April 3, 2013 2008 EVEREST 5TH Wheel, 38 ft, 4 slides, rear living, electric jacks front/rear, loaded! Great shape. No smoke, no pets. $33,000. 720-201-8821. 14X60 MOBILE HOME. 2 bedroom, 1 bath, can repaint to your choice! Set up in very nice 55+ Park in Quartzsite. Large wraparound porch. Will consider all offers. By owner, immediate occupancy. $14,000/ offer. 928-671-0778. DON'T LET IT GET AWAY!! 4 speed 4" buffer with cloth buffing wheel and motor. Runs great, ready to polish metal and stones. Asking $225 OBO. May consider gold, silver, or gold prospecting equipment - trade or partial trade. 605-3768754 FR�E �����I�I��S* *for items under $999 (30 words, 1/mo./private party) 30 words $4.50/ad or Twice for $8 928-916-4235 - 541-218-2560 REDUCED! 2004 33ft Mountaineer RV 2 slides Queen bed, table w/4 chairs, 8x30 metal awning, windows covered with snap-on canvas screens, 8x10 metal shed. Arizona Sun #64. NOW ONLY $12,000. 253-307-3040. RC CAR - 20% Nitro - Big T-Max 3.3 cu in - 54 to 58 mph, 4WD, Automated 2 Speed, Lots of Upgrades, Over $1,100 invested. asking Best Offer ! May Consider Something ?? Partial Trade ?? Call AL 928927-6672 WALNUT CABINET, like new with glass doors. 23" wide, 46" high 18" deep, $45. Unit 11 Quartzsite Senior Apts. after 2PM or 928-247-0473 and I will call you back. WANTED; AN AUDIO casette WALKMAN. 928247-0473. 4200W COMPACT Generator - just 760hrs. asking $425 B/O may consider Something ? partial Trades? Call "AL" 928-927-6672 GREAT BUY. Boat, Motor, Trailer. EXTRA'S. Very good condition. $800 FIRM. 928-927-7019. PUZZLE PAGE ANSWERS (from page 20) COMMERCIAL PICKUP Utility Cap For 6ft x 8ft pickup bed. Large side doors, Large rear walk in door, front slider window, inside shelving. Why buy new for $2,112.75 asking $1000 May consider something ?? Partial Trade ? Call AL 928-927-6672 EAZ-ALIGN foldaway towbar, with safety chains, bolts, clip-pin. Good used condition. $150/OBO. 352895-2744. ENCLOSED TRAILER – 6 1/2ft x 8ft asking $500 B/O Trades Call "AL" 928-927-6672 UNIDEN TRUNK TRACKER III scanner, Model BCT8. 250 Channels. AC & DC power. Manual. $100. 352-895-2744. SOUTHWEST STYLE LOVE seat. Dark greenburgandy color. Like new condition. $100. 325-2007657. STORAGE UNITS avilable Paradise Self Storage, 145 Moon Mountain Rd. 928-927-6318.

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