Desert Messenger

April 03, 2013

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14 "ADDICTED TO DEALS" "ADDICTED TO DEALS" 1270 W. Main St. Bright Pink Building (across from McDonald's) "MIX N‛ MATCH" WHILE THEY SUPER SALE! LAST!! 3 FOR $1000 -ACAI BERRY -ACIDOPHOLIS -B 12 100 -B 12 500 -BRAIN MIGHT -CALCIUM, MAGNESIUM AND ZINC -CALCIUM 600 MG. 60 CT. -CALCIUM CITRATE 60 CT -COFFEE FRUIT -CHROMIUM PICOLINATE -COLON CLEANSE -CO Q 10 100 MG. 45 CT (PSD) -VITAMIN C 1000 MG 1000 CT. -DHEA 50 MG. -FISH OIL 1200 MG. 60 CT. -NATURES MADE D 2000 MG. 250 CT. -VITAMIN C 100 CHEWABLES 500 MG -NATROL 5-HTP FOR MOOD -VITAMIN E 100 SOFT GELS 400 IU‛S. -NIACIN 500 MG. 60 CAPSULES -SOOTHING PUREWAY C (LIKE ESTER C) -VISION VITAMINS 60 TABLETS -NATURES MADE 60 CT. 500 MG VITAMIN C -ECHINACEA/GOLDENSEAL -ODORLESS GARLIC 400 MG. 100 TABLETS -BORON PLUS -NATROL VITAMIN D-3 10,000 IU‛S 60 CT. -MELATONIN SLEEP AID 60 CT. 10 MG. -PREMIUM DAILY MULTI 75 TABLETS -COMPLETE MULTI 50 + 100 TABLETS -SAW PALMETTO 50 SOFT GELS 160 MG. -ONCE DAILY BY NATROL $1499 RETAIL -CALCIUM LACTATE -HOT PACK (MADE IN THE U.S.A) -NATROL FISH OIL -STRESS COMPLEX -YEAST SHIELD -CALCIUM CITRATE WITH MAGNESIUM -NATURES MADE 1000 MG. VITAMIN D 180 CT. -NATURES BOUNTY 1000 MG. 120 CT. VITAMIN D-3 -TODAYS HEALTH GLUCOSAMINE CHONDROITIN 50 CAPSULES -NATROL FISH OIL WITH D-3 90 SOFT GELS $1599 RETAIL -MARINE HEART FISH OIL BY NATROL $1599 RETAIL -GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE 500 MG. 60 CAPSULES -NATURES MADE MAGNESIUM 250 MG. 100 TABLETS -NATROL MELATONIN 240 TABLETS 3 MG. (PSD) 17.99 RETAIL -NIACIN (NATROL) 15.99 RETAIL 100 TABLETS -FIBER CON FIBER THERAPY $1399 RETAIL -NATURES MADE POTASSIUM 550 MG. 100 TABLETS -NATROL 60 SOFT GELS 1200 MG. FISH OIL -YOHIMBE $1299 RETAIL PROMOTES MALE SEXUAL VITALITY AND HEALTH -ST. JOHNS WORT (MOOD ENHANCER) -WOMENS DAILY MULTI VITAMIN 100 CAPLETS In Pink Store: MUST SELL EFORE THE CHOCOLATE CANDY BARS, COOKIES, B HEAT ARRIVES! TORTILLA CHIPS, KETTLE CORN 10/$5 Mix & Match! *PSD = Date Past Shelf In Store #2: Everything in 60 ft. front row "ADDICTED TO DEALS" TOO 1198 W. Main, Quartzsite (across from Pilot) 928-927-DEAL (3325) April 3, 2013 AARP Free tax filing help in Quartzsite E-filed federal and state tax returns are prepared by volunteers at the Quartzsite Senior Center, 40 Moon Mtn Rd. each Wednesday and Thursday morning through April 11th from 8 am - noon. For more information please call Marilyn at 928-927-9693. Beginning February 1, AARP Foundation Tax-Aide offers free tax coun- ROCKSrock shop on the planet" IN MY HEAD "The coolest RICE RANCH SPACE A37 Quartzsite, AZ OPEN Nov. thru March GOLD, SILVER, BUY & SELL Unique Rocks & Fossils Cabs - Rough - Slabs METEORITES-PETRIFIED WOOD Dino Bone & Mammoth Ivory Animal Parts & Leather Native American Artifacts Jewelry - Beads - Supplies seling and tax preparation assistance for people of middle and low incomes with special attention given to people over 60. The program will operate through April 15, the deadline for filing 2012 tax returns. Last year, 1,200 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers in Arizona helped over 84,000 people and filed more than 54,000 tax returns. Arizona TaxAide volunteers join the more than 35,000 AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers across the country, helping millions of taxpayers each year. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide volunteers are trained in cooperation with the Internal Revenue Service and offer help with personal income tax returns at various locations throughout Arizona including senior centers, libraries and churches. GOLD PROSPECTING ROCKHOUNDING - LAPIDARY New-Used-Parts-Supplies Books-Maps-Local Site Info DUMP THE DRUGS CONSIGNMENTS - RENTALS CLASSES - DEMOS- TRIPS Do you have expired or unused medications? in Quartzsite! PLUS! Outdoor & Emergency Supplies We RENT Metal Detectors & Dry Washers We Take Consignments! www/ Dispose safely at Quartzsite Police Dept. Mon - Fri. 8am-5pm Sponsored by QSAPC Quartzsite Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition 605-376-8754 "Micro-Mall" and Antique Mall Entrepreneurs: We Create Space for Your Dreams! SHOPS FOR RENT: Single Shelves, Set of Shelves, Kiosks or Cubicals The Blythe VIM is OPEN Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Year-Round . The VIM Mini Mall Consists of Small Businesses & Shops in an Old World Village Setting THE VILLAGE INDOOR MARKETPLACE 601 E Hobsonway, Blythe, California.

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