Desert Messenger

December 18, 2019

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WHAT'S INSIDE 5 Silent Auction Success 6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 8 Museum News 9 Restaurants 10 Library Programs 11 QIA Q & A 12 Around Town 13 1001 Female entertainers 14 Country Legends 15 Soup & Chowder Fest 16 MVD Changes 17 Christmas Lights 19 Quartzsite Trivia 22 Museum's Then & Now 23 Toy Run 24 In Memoriam 25 Herb Mama 26 Community Acupuncture 26 You Make a Difference 28 The Salvation Army 28 Nancy's Kitchen 30 Sewer Plant Ribbon Cutting 30 Blood drive 31 Calendar 33 Assessor's Corner 33 In Memoriam 34 Churches 36 Colorado River Water 37 Classifeds 37 Paul Winer's Cartoon 39 Photos • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, December 18, 2019 VOL. 16 # 311 Now in our 1 6 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! 30 Sewer Plant Ribbon Cutting or's Corner ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� SEE SEWER PLANT PAGE 30 Town holds ribbon cutting celebrating completion of waste water treatment plant upgrades The Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce and Toursim in coop- eration with the Town of Quartzsite held the Annual Christmas Light Parade on Saturday, December 7th. Even with the rain, it was an- other big success again this year. There were many decorated ATVs, non-profi ts, businesses, RV parks, churches, youth groups bringing in fl oats and lighted entries to the parade. The parade ended at the Community Center where cook- ies from local businesses and hot cocoa were provided by Town of Quartzsite. The Chamber would like to thank the Town Hall Staff for all their hard work this year. The Chamber is so very grate- ful to Sam Saxton for offering to entertain with his beautiful voice singing Christmas music to every- one gathered at the Community Center. Also thank you to Lois Du- pre and her Food Bank volunteers for stuffi ng socks with treats for all the kids. A special thank you to Ancil and Faye Aydelott for step- ping in for Santa and Mrs. Claus, since they were so busy at the North Pole, getting all those pres- ents ready for Christmas delivery! Once again the Best Overall Trav- eling Trophy went to Park Place RV Park! The Chamber also wants to thank all the people who participat- ed in the parade this year and made it such a great evening's fun for ev- eryone. We hope you all had a great time and that it will inspire you to participate in the parade next year!! See Photos on Page 39 "Support your ho-ho-home town!" Santa says... ����� | C������� �� R��� V������ �� RV�� TV Christmas Parade a fun, wet event

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