Up & Coming Weekly

November 12, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 16 UCW NOVEMBER 13-19, 2019 Falcon Children's Home Harvest Train at 6754 East St., Fal- con. 8:30 a.m. Call 910-980- 1065 for more information. Temptations Christmas with special guest Reggie Codrington and the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra. 7 p.m. Searchthe event on etix for details. A Day to Remember: The Degenerates Tour at the Crown. 6:30 p.m. Call 910- 438-4100 for details. Carriage Tours of Olde Fayetteville in the Cool Spring Downtown Disrtict. 1-6 p.m. Call 910-223-1089 to learn more. Red Apple Run for Diabetes in downtown Fayetteville. 10K, 5K and one-mile run. Proceeds benefit Better Health. Find out more at https://www.better- healthcc.org/events/fundraisers/ City Market at the Mu- seum at the Fayetteville Area Transportation and Local Histo- ry Museum. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free to attend. For more information, call 910-433-1457. 61st Annual World's Largest Spaghetti Din- ner and Greek Pastry Sale at the Hellenic Center. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Carry out only. Call 910-484-8925 for details. Opening Doors: Con- temporary African American Academic Surgeons at Chesnutt Library, 1200 Muchison Rd. through Nov. 23. Free. To learn more, call 910-672-1111. Dirtbag Ales Farmers Market in Hope Mills. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Free to attend. Cal 910-426-2537 for more details. Marksmen Hockey at the Crown. 7 p.m. Call 910-321-0123 for tickets and information. "No Child..." at Cape Fear Regional Theatre through Nov. 17. Visit http://www. cfrt.org/ for tickets and more information. Fayetteville Sym- phony Orchestra presents Copland in Paris at St. John's Episcopal Church. 7:30 p.m. Call 910-433- 4690 for tickets and information. Noises Off! at Givens Per- forming Arts Center in Pembroke through Nov. 15. 8 p.m. Call 910-521-6361 for details. The Fayetteville Ladies Power Luncheon at Cape Fear Botanical Garden. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Visit http://fayettevil- leladiespowerlunch.com/index. html for more information or to register. Yoga in the Garden at Cape Fear Bo- tanical Garden. 6-7 p.m. For more information, call 910-486-0221. Holiday Extrava- ganza at Givens Arts Center. 8 p.m. Call 910-521-6230 for tickets and information Parking Lot Party in down- town Fayetteville. 6-9 p.m. Free to attend. Call 910-323- 1776 for more information. Marksmen Hockey at the Crown. 6 p.m. Call 910-321-0123 for tickets and information. Gallery 208 presents "Small Things that Fit: Works by Cornell Jones" at 208 Rowan St. For more details, call 910- 484-6200. BULLETIN BOARD WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 23 23 24 24 Nov. 28 Thousands of volunteers for Operation Turkey Fayetteville will prepare, package and deliver meals from 8 a.m.- noon. Volunteers will deliver from 9 a.m.-1p.m. For more information, visit www. operationturkey.com or call 682-226-2724. Dec. 7 The first Sobriety Court will be held in front of the Cumberland County Courthouse. The event kicks off December National Impaired Month to help educate the public on drink- ing and driving during the holiday season. Visit http:// www.co.cumberland.nc.us/ departments/pretrial-servic- es-group/pretrial-services/ sobriety-court for more information. The Fayetteville Breast Cancer Support Group meets on the third Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at Advanced Physical Therapy Solutions, 501 Executive Pl. (behind Harris Teeter). Email fayettevillesisterins- cars@gmail.com for infor- mation. USO of NC is seeking dedi- cated volunteers Volunteer application is online at volunteers.uso.org. The Retired Military Asso- ciation and Auxiliary meet the second Friday of each month at noon for a potluck lunch and a meeting. Call 910-486-9398 for details. Better Health of Cumber- land County at 1422 Bragg Blvd. offers free classes about diabetes every Tues- day 8 a.m.-noon and every Thursday 5-7 p.m. Call 910-483-7534 for details. 1 Million Cups at FTCC returns to its weekly sched- ule.Wednesday at 9 a.m. in the General Classroom Building, Room 114. Visit the website at 1millioncups. com/fayetteville for more information. 20 20 WHAT'S WHAT'S UP AND COMING 22 22 16 16 14 14 17 17 15 15 FORT BRAGG/POPE A.A.F. 21 21 Fort Bragg Protestant Wom- en of the Chapel meets Tuesdays 9-11:30 a.m. at All-American Chapel, 7242 Ardennes St. For all women military ID card holders, active duty or dependent. Free watchcare. Learn more at www.facebook. com/ FortBraggPWOC. Frame and Design Arts offers framing, engraving, embroidery and more. Call 910-394-4192 for details. Fort Bragg Auto Skills Centers provide bays with lifts, tools, and data software or hard copy instructions for vehicle repair. There are certified technicians on hand. Call 910-394-2293 (North) or 396-8665 (East) for more information. The Fort Bragg Clay Target Center is located at 651 E. Manchester Rd. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday through Sunday. Call 910-436-9489 for details. Suicide Prevention infor- mation here. Fort Bragg Helpline: 910-396-HELP (4357). National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-suicide, 800-784-2433. National Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255). Military One Source: 800-342-9647. The Recycling Center on Fort Bragg accepts elec- tronic waste, used cooking oil and other recyclables 13 13

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