Kansas State Chapter of Delta Chi at Kansas State University
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1182202
Delta Chi Fraternity at Kansas State University FALL 2019 THE TIME TO ACT IS NOW Become a Founder of the Future with Securing the Future of The Delta Chi Fraternity T ime and again, The Delta Chi Fraternity at K-State has exemplified friendship, character, justice, and education. Through these tenets, our founders understood that the cultivation of self results in the cultivation of a strong Delta Chi legacy. At K-State, our active brothers carry this torch through their outstanding commitment to excellence, which has been recognized through their fifth President's Cup award, including four over the span of just five years. Much like our time as undergraduates, they are creating the foundation for the next generation's legacy. Ties That Bind I believe our two featured alumni, Cory Lafferty '02 and Ed Redhair '74, said it best in their interviews on pages 3 and 4: If you cherish your Delta Chi experience and feel a sense of pride for accomplishments past and present, the time to act is now. Even now, as we make our way in life, can you name at least one way your membership in Delta Chi has impacted you? What legacy did you choose to leave behind for our current brothers? Many alumni attended our successful weekend events to not only reminisce about their own active member days, but to also honor the successes of current members and fellow alumni. From golf to our time in Aggieville, as well as the time-honored Founder's Day banquet with speaker Dan Yunk '71, it was an unforgettable weekend. It reminded me that I am truly proud of my Delta Chi experience and brothers, but also allowed me to witness first- hand the impact active members and alumni can have on one another when they band together. Our Next Steps As of this newsletter, the campaign board is completing the necessary market research to secure Delta Chi's future home at K-State. Undergraduates receive their fourth President's Cup from "AA" Aaron Otto '98. This includes, but is not limited to, identifying viable properties and completing updates to the Grandview property in preparation to sell. In speaking with many brothers at our Founder's Day and Alumni Weekend, it confirmed alumni understand the magnitude of this project. However, the only way the board can act on a potential opportunity and bring rendering to reality, is if our campaign goal is met. The time to act is now. Make Your Mark With your donation, we can provide the necessary facility that will keep Delta Chi competitive on K-State's campus while ensuring our brothers' needs are fully met. I ask that you consider your role in this campaign and use the Use our convenient online giving link and make an impact today: https://tinyurl. com/dx-ksu-campaign. enclosed pledge form and return envelope or visit our online giving link at https://tinyurl. com/dx-ksu-campaign. In doing so, you will join more than 80 of your brothers as a proud founder of our future. Fraternally, John T. Kattenberg '03 Campaign Chairman k_statewildkat@yahoo.com