Theta Xi - Bradley University

Fall 2019 Newsletter

Alpha Sigma Chapter of Theta Xi at Bradley University

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THE TAXI NEWS ALPHA SIGMA CHAPTER OF THETA XI • BRADLEY UNIVERSITY Alpha Sigma Association of Theta Xi 105 Canterbury Lane #1041 Bolingbrook, IL 60440 Address Service Requested SAVE THE DATE ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND Saturday, May 2, 2020 Keep an eye on our private Facebook page for more details. We hope to see you there! experiences, you want to see others have that same experience and want that legacy of what you contributed to continue. n What are you most proud of in your family life? I have four mostly grown children, ages 20- 26, and they are all on a path to personal and professional success, which is always rewarding as a parent. n Tell me about your career. I was in the toy industry for 23 years. My claim to fame, so to speak, was LeapFrog. I was president of LeapFrog and we built that company from almost nothing to about $700 million in revenue and took the company public. It was an amazing experience to go through and I learned something every day. I'm now vice president of global consumer for NVIDIA, the world's leader in visual computing. Coming from a background in consumer products, I took the challenge to continue learning about an area that I did not have a deep understanding of. It has been challenging, fascinating, and rewarding. n What are you most proud of in your career? I've had the good fortune to work for many successful companies and lead those organizations with teams that embraced the spirit of work hard, play hard. We built businesses and lasting relationships with fellow employees. Those have continued as I moved from job to job and I'm grateful to have them. n What is the best advice you have ever received? You will become who you associate with so if you associate yourself with people who know more than you, you will learn. If you associate with people who are less ambitious, you will regress with them. Everyone regresses to the mean. n What advice would you offer to undergraduate brothers? Great leaders lead by example. So, roll up your sleeves and never stop being hands-on. Life of Leadership (Continued from page 1) n What do you hope for the future of Alpha Sigma? I hope the leadership can build a fraternity in the spirit of what it has been as a great balance of social, academic, community, and brotherhood development. I think it is important to have balance; some fraternities become engrossed in just one of those things, like sports for example, but diversity is very important. Tim resides in Danville, California, and can be reached at Tim Bender Fun Facts: Favorite book: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. There are some great books out there, but this one can apply to all stages of life. Favorite food: Steak with foie gras Favorite sports team: Chicago Cubs Colin Gamagami Homer Glen, Ill. Daniel Kerns Peoria, Ill. Tyler Landes East Peoria, Ill. Joshua Mogg Glenarm, Ill. Ian Molina Peoria, Ill. Jeremy Oliphant Lisle, Ill. David Varon Deerfield, Ill. Eric Winkelman St. Louis, Mo. Welcome, New Associate Members STAY CONNECTED WITH ALPHA SIGMA ONLINE ALPHA SIGMA WEBSITE CHAPTER FACEBOOK Theta Xi Fraternity - Alpha Sigma Chapter (Bradley Univ.) PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP Theta Xi Bradley University

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