Zeta Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri State University
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1173844
THE ZETA CHI PIKELINE 2 DONORS CONTRIBUTE TO ZETA CHI'S FIRST SMYTHE JOIN THE 2019 ANNUAL CAMPAIGN TODAY e are deeply grateful to the 33 donors listed below for committing more than $6,600 to the 2019 annual campaign. ese brothers recognize the importance of ensuring the future of Zeta Chi and have demonstrated a sense of gratitude for their personal experience. Commitments are still needed from the rest of our alumni to achieve our goals. If an error has been made in recording your gi, or your name has been mistakenly omitted, we sincerely apologize. Please advise our campaign coordinator at (785) 843-1661. W Phi Phi Club ($1,000 and above) Todd J. Crossley '92 Mark P. Riney '92 Jeff Counts '90 Garnet & Gold Club ($500 to $999) R. Michael Peterson '75 1969 Club ($250 to $499) Mac Humprhries '71 Jeff S. Sheets '75 Kevin J. Green '76 Kenneth W. Rahmeyer '76 Donald S. Dusselier '79 Daniel S. Kraus '85 Scott A. Bruegge '89 Andrew P. Waddell '91 Distinguished Alumni Club ($100 to $249) Bruce A. Sassmann '69 Mark Landwehr '70 Michael D. Shank '71 Timothy C. Elder '71 Joseph M. Callahan '72 Barry E. Johnson '72 Daniel L. Gilley '73 Mark A. Shank '73 Gregory T. Dell '75 Jay D. Nicholson '75 Kirk L. Perkins '75 J. Dave Barrett '77 D. Kim Hancock '77 Victor O. Murray '80 David L. Boltz '81 Jim Roebuck '81 Rod Soffner '88 Shane T. Hill '93 Charles A. Price '91 Billy R. Gosnell '97 Young Alumni Club ($50 to $99) Gary R. Slane '73 Scott M. Payne '88 To register for this FREE event, go to: www.zetachipikes.com Mark your calendars for this annual event of brotherhood, remembrance and renewed spirit as Zeta Chi brings home their first National Smythe Award. HOMECOMING Z E T A C H I C E L E B R A T E T H E S M Y T H E Friday, October 25th 7:00 p.m. Arrival Reception for Pike Alumni. Location: Best of Luck Beer Hall, 313 S. Jefferson Mark your calendars for this annual event of brotherhood, remembrance and renewed spirit as Zeta Chi brings home their first National Smythe Award. 2019 Friday, October 25th 7:00 p.m. Arrival Reception for Pike Alumni. Location: Best of Luck Beer Hall, 313 S. Jefferson Actives, alumni and families are invited. Saturday, October 26th 9:00 a.m. Homecoming Parade. Alumni are invited to walk in the Parade with the Firetruck. 10:00 a.m. Bob Barnovitz Memorial at the Pike House 11:00-11:45 a.m. Zeta Chi Alumni Association Annual Meeting at Cheek Hall, Room 102 11:45 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Bearfest Village Tailgate 2:00 p.m. Homecoming Football Game 5:00-7:00 p.m. Open House The "B1 Bomber" pledge class will be celebrating 30 years.