North Carolina Mason
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The Mason Official Publication of e Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina Volume 144 Number 5 Oxford, North Carolina September/October 2019 NORTH CAROLINA Photos by Michael Harding ■ see ANNUAL page 2 By Beth Grace Mason Editor "We are keepers of the light!" e roar of more than 1,100 voices could be heard outside the closed lodge doors and through the halls leading to the ballroom where the 232nd Annual Communication was in full swing. "We are keepers of the light!" Brotherly love was on full display as North Carolina Freemasons selected Right Worshipful P. Shaun Bradshaw as their new grand master, settled – for now – the ongoing debate over a per capita increase, welcomed a new Montfort Medal honoree, approved a budget, and spent a moment reflecting on the meaning of Masonic charity embodied in a new video. Some 1,133 voters from 332 lodges – about 30 lodges more than last year – reviewed a busy year and looked toward the future during the two-day event in a toasty Embassy Suites ballroom in Winston-Salem. "I am touched and inspired by the confidence you have put in me," Bradshaw said after the vote. "Without this organization, so many aspects of my life would be different." He was clearly moved when his son, Graham, strode to the stage to announce the results of the vote for Grand Master. Brothers had invited him as a surprise for his dad. e two shared a loving hug to resounding applause. Both Bradshaws are members of Stokesdale #428. "I thought I was going to be able to hold it together," he said in his acceptance speech, "but having my son announce the results changed that." e incoming grand master reflected on his own role as a father as he prepares for installation. "When my son was born, I knew I needed help with the difficult task of being a good father. In 1997, my search ended in fruition when I asked about becoming a Mason." He told brothers that his plan for the year, focusing on how the rituals Grand Master Dwight 'Mack' Sigmon (center) brings to an end the 232nd Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina on Sept. 28 in Winston-Salem. Per capita increase passes; Bradshaw elected GM-Elect Bradshaw (right) hugs his son, Graham, after the election results were announced to the crowd.