Up & Coming Weekly

October 01, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM OCTOBER 2-8, 2019 UCW 25 LAURA BOARTS, Music Director, WCLN. Comments? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200. MUSIC CROWN COMPLEX 1960 Coliseum Dr. • 910-438-4100 www.crowncomplexnc.com Oct. 11 WIDU 61st Anniversary Traditional Gospel Night Oct. 15 Chicago Live in Concert Nov. 8 Patti LaBelle Nov. 19 Mannheim Steamroller LOUIE'S SPORTS BAR & PUB 2417 Robeson St. • 910- 323-3373 Oct. 4 Guy Unger Band Oct. 5 Joyner Young Marie Oct. 11 Crush N Run Oct. 12 Stonecloud HUFF CONCERT HALL 5400 Ramsey St. • (910) 630-7104 Oct. 8 Fayetteville Symphonic Band & MU Concert Band Oct. 19 Heroes Vs. Villains with the Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra Oct. 25 Friends of Music presents Krisztina Dér, Flutist WHITE RABBIT PUB 3030 Fort Bragg Rd • (910) 630-7104 Oct. 19 Affinity, Trailer Park Orchestra and Skulls & Whiskey OPINION Fun doesn't just happen by LAURA BOARTS There are a variety of fun activities to enjoy when autumn rolls around. Planning fun doesn't sound like much fun, does it? I used to think fun wasn't fun unless you're f lying by the seat of your pants. My husband always says, "If you're not standing on the edge, you're taking up too much space." Spontaneit y is fun, but somehow as I age, there's, ironically I might add, not much room in our sched- ule for it — responsibilities take precedence over unplanned week- end trips and doing nothing wins over filling our days with busy- ness, which I'm mostly thankful for. Even still, fall only creeps in once a year and I want to be fully present for it. Though I don't care for it, planning fun fall activities, whether at home, when we want to do nothing, or away, ensures that I can and will experience all there is to fall and its colorful, crisp, pumpkin-y goodness. So what does one do when one doesn't plan ver y well? Make a list. Lists are magical. They make you feel like you're accomplishing so much more than you actually are, which makes you want to get more done. Really, you're just tricking yourself into being productive, and I need all the help I can get. Sometimes I'll even put things I've already done on a list, just so I can cross them off because, dang it, I am getting things done. T his yea r, I've decided to ma ke a fa l l bucket list f u l l of f u n on ly- ex per ience-in-t he-fa l l k ind of act iv it ies — some for at home when you wa nt to do "not hing," a nd some m ini-getaways. Here a re some ideas you a nd your fa m i ly m ig ht enjoy as wel l. • Ma ke some sor t of fa l l t reat — pumpk in/chocolate chip bread, apple cinna mon muf- f ins, apple pie, cinna mon chip scones, etc. • Visit the Biltmore Esate in Asheville. • Go apple picking. • Make a fall playlist on Spotif y. • Decorate the front porch for fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving. • Carve pumpkins. • Find and press 20 different leaves, maybe frame some. • Drink a lot of apple cider. • Visit a corn maze. • Go to a football game. • Host a bonfire and make s'mores. • Buy Halloween candy — to pass out to trick-or-treaters, or just to eat. • Go hiking after the leaves turn. • Watch a Halloween movie — I love "Hocus Pocus" or the "Addams Family" or "Casper"! • Make a big pot of chili. • Make a gratitude list. • Go for a hay ride. • Rake leaves for a neighbor. • Go to the State Fair. • Take a fall foliage drive. I love Hw y 421 in the fall. I could add a million things to this list, but there's just not enough time. I love fall. Now ... W here can I plug these into my calendar? Need some help with that fall playlist I mentioned? Tune into Christian 105.7. We're here 24/7 with fresh fall sounds to help you ease into the coziest season ever. M A G A Z I N E b y , f o r & a b o u t Fayeeville Women

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