Up & Coming Weekly

October 01, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1172926

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 24 UCW OCTOBER 2-8, 2019 910-867-2364 • 4624 BRAGG BLVD. First bike out at noon Auction • Food • Fun Saturday October 12th Oktober Co-hosted by Perruque Boutique Benefit for breast cancer awareness Oktober Breast Breast Fest Fest OCT. 12 • OKTO- BER BREAST FEST benefit for breast cancer awareness at Legends Pub. First bike out at noon. Call 910- 867-2364 for details. OCT. 12 • BIKES & BBQ hosted by the Greater Fayetteville Chamber at Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd. Event begins at 11 a.m. Registration starts at 8 a.m. The event will feature a bike blessing, live music, a kids' zone, vendors, barbecue, a people's-choice award bike show and lots of fun, plus assorted craft brews available for sampling, along with a special souvenir glass. Search the event on Facebook for more information. OCT. 19 • 9TH ANNUAL HOME GROWN HEROES / FALLEN OFFICERS MEMORIAL RIDE hosted by the Blue Knights NC XIII and The North Carolina Justice Academy of Salem- burg, N.C. Ride to benefit N.C. Concerns of Police Survivors. Sign- in at 9 a.m. Short ceremony at 10 a.m. Ride starts at 10:30 a.m. $20 per operator, $15 per passenger. First 100 paid registrants will receive a free event patch. For more information, email Mike Brown at Mjbrownsr@yahoo.com or call 910-922-6673. OCT. 26 •HALLOWEEN EVENT hosted by Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd. Event is from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. There will be Free food, entertainment, a costume contest and trunk-or treat. For more information about this event, call 910-864-1200. for more details call: 910.396.8933 │ b r a g g . a r m y m w r . c o m Fort Bragg Family and MWR is hiring for: • Cooks • Waiters (Banquet) • Food & Beverage A endants To see specific job descrip ons and announcements visit our website. Open to the public. Qualified applicants will be interviewed on the spot. Applicants must bring the following: - Resume - 3 Professional References All a endees are highly encouraged to apply in advance on usajobs.gov. FAMILY AND MWR HIRING EVENT October 8 th │ 9 am – 1 pm Tolson Youth Ac vi es Center Bldg. 4-1431 Normandy Drive

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