Up & Coming Weekly

October 01, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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16 UCW OCTOBER 2-8, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Queen Nation to perform at Givens Performing Arts Center by CAROLINE SCHAFER EVENT Queen has been a popular and prominent band since they started back in the early 70s. eir music and style are timeless, spanning genera- tions of music lovers everywhere. In fact, the Queen tribute band, Queen Nation, has been around since 2004, but with the recent movie, Bohemian Rhapsody, there has been a revitaliza- tion of the music. So much so, that Queen Nation will have performed in 140 shows by the end of 2019. e group is set to perform at Givens Per- forming Arts Center in Pembroke, Oct. 11, at 8 p.m. After speaking with Mike McMa- nus, who is the guitarist and provides vocals for the band, it seems they are a major part of the resurgence of not only lifelong fans who grew up listen- ing to Queen, but young, new fans. It is no longer "their parents or grand- parents" music. UCW: How did Queen Nation come together? Mike: We were brought together by our agent, Dave Hewitt. We all are musicians and performers. We love the music of Queen. UCW: Can you give us a quick intro- duction to the band members and who they are in relation to the band Queen? Mike: Gregory Finsley – vocals and keyboard, brings all the mesmerizing charm of Freddie Mercury to the stage. Pete Burke is on the drums and pro- vides vocals. Parker Combs is on bass and I am on guitar and vocals. UCW: How long have you been per- forming together? Mike: Fifteen years, but I've only been full-time for the past year. I was the last one to quit my full-time day job. UCW: Where does the inspiration come from to perform as a Queen Tribute band? Mike: Gregory and I saw Queen perform live at one point in our lives, and we've all been big Queen fans. at has really helped with our performance today and how we represent them. UCW: Is this your first time perform- ing in North Carolina? Mike: It is! We're really looking for- ward to it. UCW: What is it you want to bring to the audience at UNCP? Mike: We really like it when the audi- ence interacts. ere's a positive, uplift- ing, communal atmosphere that you can feel. We hope to make it a great, memorable experience. Call 910-521-6000 for tickets and information, or visit https://www. uncp.edu. CAROLINE SCHAFER, Con- tributing Writer. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200. Queen Nation is set to perform at Givens Performing Arts Center, Oct. 11.

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