Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1164558
WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM SEPTEMBER 11-17, 2019 UCW 9 Because the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled federal courts aren't the place to settle partisan gerrymander- ing disputes, opponents of North Carolina's district maps took their case to state courts and won. e state Democratic Party persuaded a three-judge panel that Republican- drawn General Assembly districts discriminated against Democrats based on their political beliefs and voting history. ey argued that ger- rymandered district lines violated the North Carolina Constitution, not the U.S. Constitution. With the panel's ruling last week, Tar Heel political maps for the state legislature are unconstitutional and must be redrawn before the 2020 elections, the court decided. Cumberland County is among the districts likely to benefit from the change. e judges found that "e North Carolina Supreme Court has consistently held that 'our govern- ment is founded on the will of the people,' that their will is expressed by the ballot." e district maps were drawn in 2017 to replace maps drawn in 2011, that had also been ruled unconstitutional. Both sets of maps were drawn by North Carolina's Republican-led legislature. at fact helped the judges conclude that the revised district lines violated the state constitution because "it is the care- fully crafted maps, and not the will of the voters, that dictate the election outcomes in a significant number of legislative districts." The decision may be the final word in this lengthy legal battle because at least one top Republican lawmaker said he doesn't plan to appeal the ruling. "This is an historic victory for the people of North Carolina," said Bob Phillips, executive director of Com- mon Cause North Carolina, one of the groups that sued to overturn the maps. "The court has made clear that partisan gerrymandering vio- lates our state's constitution and is unacceptable." e panel, which consisted of two Democrats and a Republican, was unanimous in its ruling. After the loss, Republican Senate leader Phil Berger said he wouldn't appeal and would instead start draw- ing new maps. "Nearly a decade of relentless litigation has strained the legitimacy of this state's institutions, and the relationship between its lead- ers, to the breaking point. It's time to move on," he said. Wayne Goodwin, chairman of the North Carolina Dem- ocratic Party, criticized Republicans for the maps, which were overturned on partisan grounds, as well as the 2011 maps that were overturned on racial grounds. "From targeting people based on their race to dividing them based on their political beliefs, Republicans for a decade have rigged our state and silenced voters to cling desperately to power," he said. e court gave the legislature until Sept. 18, to draw new district maps. e judges told lawmakers they would reschedule the elections in 2020 if the legislature can't come up with new maps in time. "e Court retains jurisdiction to move the pri- mary date for the General Assembly elections, or all of the State's 2020 primaries, including for offices other than the General Assembly, should doing so become necessary to pro- vide effective relief in this case," the ruling said. Legislative redistricting ... again by JEFF THOMPSON NEWS With the panel's ruling last week, Tar Heel political maps for the state legislature are unconstitutional and must be redrawn before the 2020 elections • Entry Deadline: Sept. 6 th at 6 p.m. • NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE ALLOWED REGISTER ONLINE: CumberlandCountyGolfClassic.com Name Address City State ZIP Phone (h) E-mail Make checks payable to Cumberland County Golf Championship Register onlin or Return Application by September 6th with Entry Fee to: Kevin Lavertu, PGA Pro klavertu@gatesfour.com • 910-425-6667 • FAX 910-425-6661 208 Rowan Street Fayetteville, NC 28301 Tournament Director: Bill Bowman (910) 391-3859 • A 54 holes of individual stroke play, gross scores only. The eld will be divided into four divisions based upon age and sex. Players may choose to compete in any division in which they are eligible. Field will be ighted within their respective division based upon their 36 hole scores. A minimum of four entries is required to create a division. Otherwise, divisions are combined together. Division changes are not allowed after entries close. -Sept. 13 • 18 holes Stryker Golf Course - Sept. 14 • 18 holes Gates Four Country Club - Sept. 15 • 18 holes Gates Four Country Club • Open Divisions plus Women's Division* & Senior Divisions ighted after 36 holes. *Sept. 14 & Sept. 15 Women's Division 36 holes played at Gates Four Country Club • All amateur entrants must be 16 or older and reside in Cumberland County. • Past CC champions who are not golf professionals are eligible. • Golfers 50 years of age or older are eligible to participate in the Senior's Division or the Men's Division. • Entry fee of $175.00. Includes: 3 rounds of golf, a practice round, commemorative gift range balls, food, beverages, trophies, prizes, and an invitation to Champion's Reception & Pairings Party** • Women's Division entry fee $145.00 • 2018 USGA Rules will be in eect. • Gates Four Country Club requires collared shirts and denim is prohibited. • Field Limited to 96 participants: Average score or handicap _________. This is used for pairing purposes only. No preferred pairings. • Practice round green fees only, cart not included. Practice rounds are limited to weekdays and after 1 p.m. on weekends seven days prior to tournament after fees are paid. Call 425-6667 for tee time. Thomas Owen Agent Gates Four Golf & Country Club Friday, Saturday & Sunday Sept.13-15th 5 1 S T A N N U A L Annual C H A M P I O N S H I P C L A S S I C 2019 S i n c e 1 9 6 9 **Champion's Reception & Pairings Party Thursday Sept. 12th 6:00 – 8:00 PM Hosted by: Gates Four Golf & Country Club Player Gifts, Contests and Door Prizes! No charge to participants / Guests $15.00 OF 5 FREE FOURSOME ROUNDS AT Register by August 30 th and receive 910-396-3980 910-425-2176 CCGC: Supports Kidsville News Literacy & Education Foundation in Cumberland County (501C3 Non Prot) Cumberland County's Premier Golf Event! C H A M P I O N S H I P A nn ua l 2019 Men's Division (All ages.) Women's Division (49 & under) Men's Division (All ages.) Senior Men's Division (50 to 64) Super Senior Men's Division (65 & over)