Up & Coming Weekly

September 10, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 20 UCW SEPTEMBER 11-17, 2019 4624 BRAGG BLVD. POKER RUN 1st Bike Out at Noon Pig Roast • Band • Raffle • Auction National Veteran Resources Benefit for Michele Ladd SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 SEPT. 21 •NATIONAL VET- ERAN RESOURCES BENEFIT at Legends Pub, 4624 Bragg Blvd, Fayetteville, NC 28303. First bike out at noon. Ben- efits Michelle Ladd, who is the founder of National Veteran Resources and mother of two veterans. There will be a pig roast, a band, a raffle and an auc- tion. For more information, call 910-867-2364. SEPT. 21 •10TH ANNUAL WE RIDE FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T REMEM- BRANCE RUN & POW-MIA RECOG- NITION DAY CER- EMONY at Fort Bragg Harley Davidson, located on 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd. Registration at 8 a.m. $20 per bike/$10 per passenger. Ceremony begins at 10 a.m. Kickstands up at 11 a.m. There will be door prizes and food. Visit http://www.rollingthunder-nc1.com/ to register early online. SEPT. 28 • 2ND ANNUAL PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS RIDE at Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd. Registration starts at 8 a.m., kickstands up at 9:45 a.m. $10/bike, $5/passenger. There will be door prizes and vendors. Proceeds benefit prostate cancer awareness. Sponsored by American Legion Riders Chapter 202. For more details, contact Valerie Rayner at 910-723-0399. SEPT. 28•8TH ANNUAL TIM DIFFIN RIDING WITH ANGELS MEMORIAL RUN at The Doghouse. All Funds go to buy Christ- mas gifts for children in Cumberland County Foster Care. Operator/ $20, back- seat/$15. A meal ticket is included for registered riders. Registration begins at 11 a.m., kickstands up at noon. There will be live music, an auction, raffles and more. Search the event on Facebook for more information. OCT. 12 • BIKES & BBQ hosted by the Greater Fayetteville Chamber at Fort Bragg Harley-Davidson, 3950 Sycamore Dairy Rd. Event begins at 11 a.m. Registration starts at 8 a.m. The event will feature a bike blessing, live music, a kids zone, vendors, barbecue, a people's-choice award bike show and lots of fun, plus assorted craft brews available for sampling along with a special souvenir glass. Search the event on Facebook for more information. ARMY ON THE MOVE SEPTEMBER 14 & 15, 2019 10AM - 4PM: Battlefield & Ravine Tours Averasboro Battlefield Museum 3300 NC HWY. 82, Dunn, NC 28334 26th NC • 6th NC• Iron Grey Mess • Reilly's Battery Vendors • Arts & Cras • Direct Sales • Food & Snacks Sponsors: Averasboro Battlefield Commission & Carolina Legion FUNDS RAISED BENEFIT AVERASBORO BATTLEFIELD www.averasboro.com • Join us on Facebook • "Preserving the Past for the Future" Featuring: Admission: $5 Ages 12 & Up • $3 Under 12 FA M I LY F R I E N D LY E V E N T • S O R R Y ! N O P E T S ! "Civil War" Go Online 910-484-6200 www.upandcomingweekly.com Flip our pages for news, views, art and entertainment! Call and ask one of our marketing representatives to help you grow your business.

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