Up & Coming Weekly

September 10, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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Contents of this Issue


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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM SEPTEMBER 11-17, 2019 UCW 19 THE MISSING MAN TABLE – A PLACE SETTING FOR ONE, A TABLE FOR ALL Join the Community-Wide Tribute to Honor Our Missing Comrades this Veteran's Day In addi on to honoring our brave service members and their families through a series of events taking place across Cumberland County this November 7-11, Heroes Homecoming VII is also challenging businesses and organiza ons to par cipate in the Missing Man Table Ini a ve as a way to inspire and help educate the public on the importance and symbolism of the display. Currently, more than 100 missing man table kits have been reserved for this year's Missing Man Table ini a ve, with the number growing every day. Any Cumberland County businesses interested in signing up to be a part of this community-wide tribute to those Missing in Ac on should contact info@heroeshomecoming.com. The Significance of the Missing Man Table Display The Missing Man Table, similar to the Fallen Comrade Table, honors the memory of missing or imprisoned military service members. To date, North Carolina has more unaccounted for veterans than any state in the southeast, with a recorded 1,536 POW/MIA. The table honors the more than 85,000 Americans who le their homes, their families and their friends to defend the freedoms we enjoy today as well as the freedoms of others. They le in the service of our na on, yet they have not come home: - 3,000+ who s ll remain unaccounted for from WWI - 73,000+ who s ll remain unaccounted for from WWII - 7,763 who s ll remain unaccounted for from the Korean War - 1,615 who s ll remain unaccounted for from the Vietnam War - 126 who s ll remain unaccounted for from the Cold War - 6 who s ll remain unaccounted for from conflicts in the Middle East since 1986 For more informa on about Heroes Homecoming VII, visit www.heroeshomecoming.com ABOUT THE AUTHOR Melody Foote Director of Communications Fayetteville Area Convention & Visitors Bureau B U L L E T I N Download a mobile app for exploring Cumberland County. Advertising Grow Your Business For effective advertising, Call 910.484.6200 today! www.upandcomingweekly.com

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