Up & Coming Weekly

September 10, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 18 UCW SEPTEMBER 11-17, 2019 FTCC's Y.E.S. Initiative strengthens male outcomes by DR. DeSANDRA WASHINGTON and KAREKA CHAVIS EDUCATION Fayetteville Technical Community College recently reinstated the Male Mentoring Success initiative, or MMSI, and Y.E.S., which stand for You+Effort=Success, initiative. MMSI is an empower- ing and engaging coaching program intended to pro- vide diverse male students with support and guidance and a system-wide effort to enhance and strengthen male student outcomes by encouraging participation and collaboration among student participants and institutional departments within the North Carolina Community College System. The primary goals of MMSI are to increase success of male students, maxi- mize student and campus activities participation and increase program effectiveness and efficiency. FTCC's goal for MMSI is to close the educational attainment gap for the under-represented and under- served male population through a student-centered early alert and advising system model. This strategic and systematic approach incorporates mentoring and coaching to enhance access, achievement and success among underrepresented male students. Mentoring provides potential that can benefit males, particularly in higher education, when they may need social and aca- demic support. Students have opportunities to acquire academic skills, values and behaviors as well as form relationships with adults and peers who can profoundly affect their personal and academic development. Students who are first-generation college students and who have few or no family members who can relate to their college experience can benefit from mentoring and coaching. The Y.E.S. initiative is successful in meeting these objectives. Male Mentoring Coach Roderick Gooden has been instrumental in forging and sustaining meaningful relationships with students. Roderick facilitates a holis- tic, multidimensional deliberate coaching initiative with his efforts, providing curricular and co-curricular events aimed toward encouraging student learning and addressing unique academic and psychosocial needs of underserved and underrepresented students. The Y.E.S. initiative at FTCC has allowed students to participate and attend student-centered support meetings and workshops, college tours at four-year institutions, dress- to-impress events, college-sponsored activities and events and national summits. Through the Y.E.S. initiative, FTCC promotes a suc- cessful student learning experience for underserved student populations. Improving the persistence and graduation possibilities of the college's male popula- tion is a priority that can lead to students achieving their academic goals and pursuing a career. "It is incumbent upon me to promote a successful college experience for male students that will provide opportunities for them to become productive members of our community," said Roderick Gooden. Dr. DeSandra Washington added, "The Y.E.S. initiative gives students opportunities to be supportive, cultivate relationships with fellow peers and receive resources to navigate their educational journeys. It is refreshing to witness the growth and maturity of students associated with this program. This is becoming one of the most beneficial initiatives at FTCC — to help improve the overall life of male students, not only academically, but socially and emotionally." Fayetteville Tech is pleased to implement the Y.E.S. initiative as a means of being proactive in responding to the needs of students and addressing potential barriers that may impede academic progress or cause a student to give up. For more information, visit the Fayetteville, Spring Lake, or Fort Bragg campus locations or www.faytechcc.edu. FTCC's goal for MMSI is to close the educational attain- ment gap for the under-represented and underserved male population to le a rn a bout our move-in specia l s a nd schedule a visit, c a ll us today at 888.627.0 096. comfortable, convenient and c aring. Southern charm and a carefree lifestyle abound at Heritage Place Senior Living. Choose from a wide range of apartment options in the heart of Fayetteville's Downtown Historic District. We are now a Somerby Managed Community. Under this new management, we ensure a culture that is conducive to health and happiness. We invite you to join us. WELCOME HOME TO HERITAGE PLACE 8 8 8 . 6 27.0 0 9 6 • H P S e n i o r L i v i n g .co m KAREKA CHAVIS and DR. De- SANDRA WASHINGTON, FTCC. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200.

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