Up & Coming Weekly

September 10, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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12 UCW SEPTEMBER 11-17, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Beautiful art. Live music. Light bites and beverages. Home is Where the HeArt Is, an art auction fundraiser for Connections of Cumberland County, combines a fun evening out with support for a good cause. The event will be on Sept. 26 from 6 – 8:30 p.m. at Studio 215 in downtown Fayetteville. Guests to this third-annual event will have the opportunity to bid on original works of art by local and regional artists during live and silent auctions. Art auction items will include paint- ings in acrylic, oil, pastel and plein-air, charcoal sketches, handmade jewelry, pottery, photog- raphy, basket weavings and mixed media. A live painting created at the scene will also be up for bid that night. A portraiture experience valued at over $5,000 donated by internationally recognized artist and Methodist University art department Chairman Vilas Tonape will be a live auction exclusive. Other well-known local artists also contributing include Greg Hayes, Greg King, Shari Jackson Link, Stephanie Bostock, Suzanne Frank and Wick Smith. Jennifer Fincher, 2019 art auction chair and CCC board member, expects this year to exceed the totals in both ticket sales and donated art from last year's event. e highly attended 2018 fundraiser saw 54 lo- cal and regional artists donate 86 items. According to Fincher, the event moved this year to a new venue to accommodate its growth and increasing popularity. "We look forward to this year's event being bigger and better than ever," Fincher said. "We are so grateful for all the support that sponsors, artists and patrons have given us in the past. The auction is the single fundraiser all year for Connections of Cumberland County and raises a large part of our annual budget. We invite everyone to come out to the event, have a glass of wine, mix and mingle, view some great art or buy a piece to take home, and support the mission of Connections of Cumberland County." Connections of Cumberland County operates the only nonprofit day resource center for home- less women and children in Fayetteville. Its goal is to provide life-changing links though compre- hensive case management services to women and children who are homeless or facing homeless- ness. The agency collaborates with other vital community resources to help clients become safe and self-sufficient. e nonprofit started from research conducted by the Women's Giving Circle of Cumberland County on the basic needs of local women and children. When results revealed alarming statistics on homelessness, a committee was birthed from the Women's Giving Circle to start Connections. e agency relies on proceeds raised from the art auc- tion, grants, and community donors, as well as the service of volunteers. Connections celebrated five years of success in Cumberland County this year. Connections is accepting sponsors at five recognition levels. The 2019 presenting sponsor is Patty Collie, senior vice president and financial advisor with Morgan Stanley of Fayetteville. The auction committee will accept art through Sept. 11. Sponsors and artists interested in donating can call the agency office at 910-630-0106 for information. Reserve tickets at www.connectionsofcc.org for this HeArt-felt event. Home is Where the HeArt Is fundraiser aims at heart of homelessness CRISSY NEVILLE EVENT L O C A L V E T E R A N O W N E D B U S I N E S S Signs • Banners • Business Cards • Digital & Wide Format Printing • Graphic Design • Copies/Prints • Binding/Laminating • Notary Services • Direct Mail Solutions • UPS/USPS/DHL Shipping • Packaging Material/Supplies • Document Shredding • Mailbox Solutions • Freight Services Westwood & Fort Bragg ANYTHING! We Print, Pack & Ship! Westwood: 439 Westwood Shopping Center | 910.860.1220 | theupsstorelocal.com/2974 Fort Bragg: Fort Bragg Mini-Mall | 910.436.7877 | theupsstorelocal.com/4787 Steve Milburn, Owners Print/Sign Shop The UPS Store CRISSY NEVILLE., Editor of Women's View Magazine and Contributing Writer. COMMENTS? editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-364-6638. One of the paintings that will be auctioned off at the Home is Where the HeArt Is art auction

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