Desert Messenger

March 20, 2013

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N�� �� ��� 9th YEAR! Wednesday, MARCH 20, 2013 VOL. 9 #170 www.DesertMessenger .com • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 541-218-2560 Oasis Hotel restoration begins Happy By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ – Last week, members from the Quartzsite Metal Detecting club began excavating the ruins of the Oasis Hotel at Quartzsite Tyson Wells Stage Stop Museum. Using mining classifiers, volunteers are sifting through the remains of burned out building which stood west of the museum. The building burned sometime between 1916 and the flood in 1919. So far, volunteers have found a 22 cartridge, two 45 rim fire cartridges, and a 50 caliber rim fire cartridge, possibly dating back to the 1850's. A piece of fabric which appears to be burlap was found, possibly used for privacy. According to Gil Brown, "We've been surprised by a few things. The building has a foundation, which was unusual for the time. We plan to restore that and build upon that. The volunteers found portions of the wooden floor still in pretty good shape and they found the doorway." The goal is to restore the ����� | S������ R��� G�����-B��� I���� | Q��������� H��������� S������ building back to the way it was, plastered inside and outside. The building was tered throughout the town, used as sleeping quarters. It including the QIA. was originally covered with • If you have ideas that you saguaro cactus spines, with If you have ever wanted to help, but you were would like to bring, this dirt on top. never asked, this meeting is for you. meeting is for you. The Quartzsite Metal Detec• If you just want to put tor Club has been busy sifting by Shanana Rain Golden-Bear your two cents in, this through the sections, keeping Quartzsite - If you or anyone you know would like to meeting is for you. track of the finds. The sections be involved in the planning or execution of a new event • If you believe the best is are stringed and numbered to planned for next year, please attend a special meeting yet to come, this meeting is keep track of any finds. Thursday, March 21st at 7pm at the Quartzsite Commufor you. The original adobe stage nity Center. Refreshments will be served. • In other words, this meetstation was built by Charley The GRAND Gathering is being billed as the largest ing is for you. Tyson in 1866. The station Gathering of Grandparents and Great Grandparents Join the fun Thursday, was an important way station ever. Organizers Bob Lucas and John Hendrix of the March 21st 7pm at the on the California- Arizona line Quartzsite Improvement Association ( QIA) are asking Community Center! because of the excellent water for help from everyone in the community to make this a For more information and grass for the horses. GRAND event for Quartzsite. Help plan the GRAND Gathering SEE HOTEL PAGE 22 The GRAND Gathering is planned for March 6th through March 9th, 2014 with multiple events scat- contact Bob Lucas at 928-247-2353. CHECK OUT WHAT'S INSIDE 2 6 7 8 10 12 13 Snowbirds Editorial Letters to Editor Around Town Restaurants Qtz. Budget Vendor Appreciation Award 17 Voices from Past 19 Adventures with Rocks 20 Golf 23 Thoughtbuster 26 Churches 27 Arrest Report 28 Puzzles 29 QES Student of the Month 30 Paul Winer Comic 30 Classifieds

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