Up & Coming Weekly

August 27, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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AUGUST 28-SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 UCW 27 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM WEEKLY HOROSCOPE NEWS OF THE WEIRD by the Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication Bright idea A Twitter user known only as "Dorothy," 15, was banned from her phone by her mom in early August after becoming distracted while cooking and starting a fire, but that didn't stop her, reported The Guard- ian. First she tweeted from a Nin- tendo 3DS gaming device, but Mom caught on quickly and posted that the account would be shut down. The next day, Dorothy tweeted from her Wii U, assuring followers that while Mom was at work, she'd be looking for her phone. Finally, on Aug. 8, with no other options left, Dorothy reached out to Twitter from an unlikely source: her family's LG smart refrigerator. "I am talking to my fridge what the heck my Mom confiscated all of my electronics again," she posted. The post went viral, even prompting LG to tweet about it with the hashtag #FreeDor- othy. [The Guardian, 8/13/2019] True love For 68 years, Francis and Rose- mary Klontz of Sacramento, Cali- fornia, have not just shared the ups and downs of marriage and family. They've cemented their bond by co- ordinating their outfits — every day — for almost seven decades. Francis lets his wife pick out his clothes each morning: "She just lays it out for me, and I don't have to worry about a thing!" he told KOVR TV. The couple also sing together, performing at church, hospitals and around the house. They started dating in junior high school in Auburn, Washington, and the dressing alike custom start- ed when Rosemary's mother bought them matching shirts. "We've been matching ever since," Rosemary said. [KOVR, 8/12/2019] Government in action What a relief! The U.S. Depart- ment of Transportation announced on Aug. 8 that miniature horses are cleared to fly in all cabins of com- mercial planes as emotional support and service animals. The agency called "dogs, cats and miniature horses" the "most commonly rec- ognized service animals," Fox News reported. However, other organiza- tions, including the Association of Flight Attendants, have urged a tightening of rules about the ani- mals because of "rampant abuse" of service animal designations. Appar- ently, the DOT said "neiiiighhhh" to that. [Fox News, 8/15/2019] Question : Are there going to be any spinoff series from "Super- natural"? —Gloria Matt Roush : The CW tried to develop at least two Supernatu- ral spinoffs with episodes in- tended as "backdoor pilots," the most recent being "Wayward Sisters" in January 2018. At this summer's television critics press tour, The CW President Mark Pedowitz acknowledged that these attempts "did not connect." Adding, "I tend to believe at this point, the show's essence and blood is Jared (Pa- dalecki) and Jensen (Ackles)." As for the actors who play the Winchester brothers, Padalecki said, "I do hope we see more of the 'Supernatural' universe," while Ackles conceded, "When you have a show that is so an- chored ... around two charac- ters, it makes it difficult to tell the story without those two characters present." To submit questions to T V Crit- ic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider. com. by Damian Holbrook Cheers to Shark Week for tak- ing a fun-size bite out of the summer schedule. From the goofy "Shark Trip: Eat. Prey. Chum" with Joel McHale and Rob Riggle to the gut-twisting shipwreck tale of "Capsized: Blood in the Water," starring Josh Duhamel, the yearly salute was awash with reasons to stay in and watch T V. Jeers to "The Bachelorette's" Jed for his cheating heart. The only thing worse than the aspir- ing singer's tunes was the fact that he had a girlfriend when he joined the show and still managed to win Hannah's final rose. Good thing she dumped him after learning the truth and used the post- finale special to reconnect with Tyler C. ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 ere are a few obstacles in your career path right now, Aries. ankfully, you have a clever way to navigate right around them. All it takes is a little charm. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 It can be difficult to make decisions when under pressure, Taurus. is week you may be put on the spot to answer some dif- ficult questions. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Now may be a good time to invest some money into a luxury purchase, Gemini. is can be anything from an extensive vacation to a new car. Just consider the budget beforehand. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, a minor health scare could have you rethinking your diet and exercise regimen. Speak with a doctor about the best course of action if you want to overhaul your health. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, some tough choices will be falling on your shoulders in the days ahead. Not everyone may agree with your decisions, but you need to stand by them. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 ere is only so much that debate will ac- complish, Virgo. You may have to sit back and go with the flow on this one, even if that may be difficult. LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 All it may take is a weekend getaway to com- pletely recharge your mind and body, Libra. Trips do not have to be long to prove rejuvenat- ing. A change of scenery is important. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, make a list of the pros and cons of a career change and then mull it over carefully. Explore if salary, environment or status are driving factors in wanting something new. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Memories of good times could have you temporarily living in the past, Sagittarius. at is okay as long as you can come back to the present when necessary. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, put your pride to the side and focus on what would be best for the majority of people in your family circle. en you can gear your decisions toward their well-being . AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Aquarius, if your diet and exercise regimen hasn't been as successful as you'd hoped, you may want to speak with a dietician. en you can get back on track. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, there are a few cosmic disturbances on the horizon but nothing you cannot handle with a little finesse. Expect things to blow over shortly.

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