Up & Coming Weekly

June 25, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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JUNE 26-JULY 2, 2019 UCW 27 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM FY2020 Budget Includes New Fire Service Funding Model T he Fiscal Year 2020 Budget approved by the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners on June 13 includes a new fire service funding model and a 3.75 cent increase in the fire tax district rate for residents who live or own property in the unincorporated areas of the county. e rate will now be 15 cents per $100 valuation for residents in all fire districts as part of an all-encompassing unincorporated Cumberland County Fire Protection Service District. Cumberland County fire departments, like others across North Carolina and the United States, are facing decreasing numbers of volunteers while at the same time increasing demand for fire and rescue services. e result is a significant increase in the cost of providing essential fire services. For more information on the County's balanced budget, which includes approximately $490 million in total expenditures across all funds and a General Fund total of approximately $323 million, visit the County's website at co.cumberland.nc.us. e budget maintains the property tax rate at 79.9 cents and the special recreation tax at 5 cents per $100 valuation. Container Gardening with Bryce Lane Hands on container gardening class with one of the best in horticulture! You may recognize him from his TV Program, "In the Garden with Bryce Lane." is class will feature some new container gardening principles and techniques that Bryce has learned in his 30 + years as one of the country's premier horticulturalists. Registration and $25 registration fee is due by July 5th. For more information, contact Susan Johnson at (910) 321-6405 susan_johnson@ncsu.edu. ursday, July 11 9 a.m. - Noon Cooperative Extension 301 East Mountain Drive, Fayetteville Summer Reading Program @ Your Library Something for Everyone! More info at cumberland.lib.nc.us Kids · Teens · Adults T he Vision Resource Center held an open house and ribbon cutting on June 12 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for its new location at 2736 Cedar Creek Road. "It's been a long journey for the vision resource center as they sought a new location, and we are personally proud that Cumberland County could be a partner," said Jeannette Council, Chair of the Cumberland County Board of Commissioners. "is organization now has this almost 3,000 square foot house, all its own." e VRC is leasing the 2,752-square-foot house, which sits on approximately 7.06 acres, from the County for three years and three months at a rate of $2,400 a year. e Board of Commissioners found that the property would not be needed for government purposes during the lease term and approved the agreement in March. "e VRC will provide specialized classes, training, information and support to help the visually impaired reach their full potential," said Commissioner Glenn Adams. Council, Adams, Commissioner Charles Evans and Terri omas, VRC Executive Director participated in the ribbon cutting. During the open house, guests toured the building and learned about the center's mission and programs. "Now we can actually do some programs in a beautiful area, a therapeutic area, provide the skills, provide the socialization (for our members)," said omas. e non-profit Vision Resource Center is celebrating 80 years of service this year. e center started in 1939 as the Cumberland County Association of the Blind, serving the needs of the visually impaired population in conjunction with the Cumberland County Department of Social Services. Vision Resource Center Holds Ribbon Cutting for New Facility To learn more, contact the VRC at 910-483-2719 or visit its website at visionresourcecentercc.org. News for Cumberland County Residents co.cumberland.nc.us Cumberland Matters

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