Up & Coming Weekly

June 25, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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JUNE 26-JULY 2, 2019 UCW 23 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM WEEKLY HOROSCOPE NEWS OF THE WEIRD by the Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication Compelling explanations PhillyVoice reported on June 5 that a resident of White Haven, Pennsylvania, has solved the mys- tery of why that state has experi- enced more tornadoes than usual this year. The unnamed amateur meteorologist called WNEP's "Talkback 16," which allows locals to opine on the issues of the day, and left a voicemail on May 31. In his own words: "We didn't have tornadoes here until we started putting in traffic circles. ... When people go round and round in circles, it causes disturbances in the atmosphere, and causes torna- does." So there you have it. [Philly- Voice, 6/5/2019] New weapons A 47-year-old resident of south- ern Israel approached a teller at a Postal Bank branch in mid-May, handing her a note that read, "Hand over the money in the drawer" (misspelling the Hebrew word for "drawer"), The Times of Israel reported. As the teller hesi- tated, he said, "Put the money in the bag quickly or I'll throw this grenade," referring to a black object in his right hand. The teller gave him $4,450 in cash, and he left. Five days later, he repeated his method at another branch, where he net- ted $3,300. Police tracked him through mobile phone records and other clues, eventually discovering the "grenade" he wielded was an avocado he had painted black. No word on whether he whipped up some guacamole while in custody. [The Times of Israel, 6/6/2019] Awesome! A lock of Ludwig von Beethoven's hair sold at auction on June 11 for an unexpected 35,000 British pounds (about $45,000), Inside Edition reported. Sotheby's said the framed hair was given by Beethoven to a friend, pianist An- ton Halm, as a gift for Halm's wife almost 200 years ago. Reportedly, when Halm asked for the gift, a servant snipped some hair from a goat and presented it to Halm. Beethoven was incensed, saying, "You've been tricked. This is not my hair. It's the hair of a goat." He then cut a lock of hair from the back of his own head, wrapped it in paper and turned it over to Halm. A So- theby's expert confirmed that the auctioned hair was human. [Inside Edition, 6/12/2019] ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, are you up to stepping outside of your comfort zone? Embrace the challenge and tr y something completely different from your normal routine. You just may like it. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Let problems flow over you like water off of a duck's back, Taurus. Worr ying will only make things worse, and it's completely unproductive any way. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Work on nurturing a relationship that has been pushed to the side for some time, Gemini. Rekindling communication is a great way to start things off anew. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 Keep an open mind when someone presents an idea to you, Cancer. It's easy to blow it off without a thought, but you should be more amenable to listening and advising. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Now may be the time to share responsibili- ties with others, Leo. is is especially true if you are facing deadlines and simply can- not meet them in time. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Accept help when it is offered, Virgo. is makes helpful people feel good that they can do you a service. You will have an op- portunity to reciprocate in time. LIBR A - Sept 23/Oct 23 Not ever yone is on board with your new plan, Libra. You may have to present it a few times before you get a few takers. Be persis- tent to win others over. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, even though it seems like there are many obstacles in your path, you will be able to get through relatively unscathed if you have the right people on your side. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, relaxation is essential right now, as you have had many things on your plate. Do not feel like you are slacking off if you take some time to give yourself a break. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Let others in your family know how you are feeling. You don't have to put on a show or mask your emotions, Capricorn. ey'll love and support your decisions. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Have faith in your decisions even if they don't entirely make sense on paper, Aquarius. You will have a line of supporters waiting in your corner in no time at all. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Pisces, things are changing rapidly in your life and you may feel like you have to play catch up. Target some areas to focus your attention. Question: I love the show "e Village." e writing and acting are beautifully done. Any news on the show? — Debbie C Matt Roush: Sorry to tell you that NBC just dropped the ax on three of its underperforming midseason shows, including "e Village," "Abby's" and "e Enemy Within." I'd bet that NBC had the highest hopes, and made the toughest call, regarding "e Village," which the network no doubt saw as its next "is Is Us" with its emotional heart- tugging storylines. I found it a poor and obvious substitute, but oth- ers rallied to its cause. I'll admit I was surprised at this cancellation as well. And before you ask, it's unlikely it will be rescued, as it was an in-house pro- duction from Universal TV, and with such a large cast to service, it's doubt- ful anyone would pick up that bill. Question: Will there be a second series of "What We Do In e Shadows"? I just loved that show and laughed out loud in spite of watching it by myself! Sure hope so. — Betty Matt Roush: I was laughing right there with you, and I'm delighted to confirm that FX did renew this inspired and hilarious vampire comedy (that was adapted from the 2014 movie of the same name but with a new cast) for a second season. It's one of my absolute favorite new shows of this year. To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to tvinsider.com. by Damian Holbrook Cheers to Emily Deschanel for add- ing new ferocity to "Animal King- dom." Make no "Bones" about it: e actress who spent 12 years playing Fox's quirky Temperance Brennan is a stone-cold revelation as a hardened ex-junkie with a criminal past on TNT's deliciously gritty crime drama. Jeers to "Stranger ings" for un- leashing something scarier than the Demogorgon. In honor of the Netflix hit's upcoming 1985-set third season, Coca-Cola is planning to rerelease that year's short-lived and so-not- lamented New Coke. Strangest thing about this? We'll probably like it this time around. 2019 Best of Fayetteville Special Edition • Coming July 31, 2019 ATTENTION LOCAL BUSINESSES... NEED CUSTOMERS? Advertise & promote your business all year long eectively and aordably! Advertise, market and promote your business in the most popular, most read edition of the year! For more information, rates and deadlines call (910) 484-6200 RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY! SPECIAL EDITION Published, Distributed and Online in the Fayetteville, Ft. Bragg and Cumberland County area ALL YEAR!

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