Up & Coming Weekly

June 25, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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12 UCW JUNE 26-JULY 2, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM e Fayetteville Running Club pres- ents its 6th Annual Firecracker 4 Miler Race on ursday, July 4, at 7 a.m., at the North Carolina Veterans Park in downtown Fayetteville. e 1-mile fun run begins at 7:50 a.m. "is is the event that the Fayetteville Running Club uses to support several different chari- ties," said David Wilkes, president of the club. "Our largest recipient is the Gold Star Teen Program. at sends the kids of a Gold Star fam- ily to camp, and they have different activities throughout the year." Wilkes added that a Gold Star family is one that has lost a family member during that member's military service. "We also have two scholarships that we give out to two high school track or cross country runners," said Wilkes. "We give one male and one female $1,000 a piece who are seniors and have participated on their cross coun- try or track team during that time." Wilkes added that every month, the organization makes a $500 dona- tion to a local charity. Some of those charities include e Rape Crisis Center, Operation Inasmuch, Ac- tion Pathways, the Autism Society, the Bicycle Man, Fayetteville Urban Ministry and more. "We created a 4-mile route that highlighted many of the scenic and historical sites downtown," said Wil- kes of the July 4 run. "It goes through Arsenal Park behind the Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex, the various downtown water foun- tains, Freedom Memorial Park and other areas." Awards will be given to the top three overall winners and the top three male and female winners in each age category. All 4 Mile and 1 Mile finishers will receive a medal. ere will be awards for most spir- ited, best costume, fastest wheels and more. Raffle prizes will be given. ere will be fruit, beverages and music at the event. "e Fayetteville Running Club's mission is to support our community through living a healthy lifestyle, and there will be about 2,000 people who will show up for this event, which is one of the largest running races in town," said Wilkes. "We look forward to everyone coming out to participate." Same-day registration begins at 6 a.m. e cost of the 4 Miler Race is $30. Packet pickup is Wednesday, July 3, from 4-8 p.m. at Fayetteville Oto- laryngology, which is located at 1839 Quiet Cove Rd. Race-day parking is available at the Medical Arts Center and the parking garage on Franklin Street. For more information, visit https://its-go-time.com/firecracker- 4-miler/. Firecracker 4 Miler supports youth by DR. SHANESSA FENNER EVENT e Fayetteville Running Club's 6th Annual Firecracker 4 Miler Race raises funds for the Gold Star Teen Program. DR. SHANESSA FENNER, Prin- cipal, WT Brown Elementary School. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. BRAD LOASE | OWNER WWW.EXPRESSPROS.COM/FAYETTEVILLENC 815 STAMPER ROAD FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28303 (910) 437-5959 It's heating up for the Summer, and so are our employees. We have people ready to go! Book appointments today! 910.483.0186 thesanctuaryatcedarcreek.com 1965 Cedar Creek Rd. Fayetteville, NC 28312 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE ONLINE AND IN SPA TIME TO Relax AT JULY SPECIALS Summer Lash Lift and Tint $100 Toss the Mascara and enjoy natural dark Lashes all Summer long Aroma Paraffin Pedicure $50 Customized Bora Bora Massage $70 Fayetteville's Neighborhood Pet Store Full-Service Grooming Self-Wash Room Healthy Pet Foods • Gourmet Treats Toys • Collars & Leashes and Much More! 1216 Fort Bragg Rd (910) 860-1200 @WoofGangFay

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