Desert Messenger

March 6, 2013

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N������ ������ ��������� 9th YEAR! ������������ ��������������� ������ ������������ ������������ ��� ��� ������������ www.DesertMessenger .com ��� ���Quartzsite���s FREE Community Paper��� ��� 928-916-4235 541-218-2560 Rockin��� in Quartzsite goes national By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear Quartzsite, AZ ��� Proud Neighbors of Quartzsite (PNQ) held their 4th Annual Rock Auction concluding this year���s ���Rockin��� in Quartzsite - A Celebration of the Arts���. The famous live Rock Auction was held Saturday, March 2nd, at the Senior Center, during Quartzsite Art Guild���s Art Fair. All sixteen Rock Art Pieces found new homes. The Public Art Event reached a new level of appreciation this year, as ���ve Rock Art Pieces will be displayed in California. Others will travel to Colorado, Idaho, and Louisiana. Local artists��� work will be showcased in multiple businesses in Hemet, California as a tribute to the ���ne talent in Quartzsite. PNQ Volunteer Linda Goldberg said, ���Rock Art is a representation of the quality of talent and art culture the community of Quartzsite has to offer.��� Goldberg continued, ���People viewing the Rock Art won���t just be saying what a pretty piece of art, they���ll be saying, ���Wow, that���s from Quartzsite!��� The Rock Art also shows the diversity of activities for winter visitors to enjoy and participate in.��� ��� SEE ROCK ART PAGE 2 ��� ��������� ������ | S������ ��������� SEE PHOTOS PAGE 23 ��� R��� ������ G ��������� ������-B ��������� La Paz County Fair set for March 14-17 La Paz County Fair opens Thursday, March 14th and runs through Sunday, March 17th. The theme this year is ���Country Pride, County Wide: The Power YOUth!��� The La Paz County fairgrounds are located at the Parker Annex, about 24 miles north of Quartzsite. Follow signs at the intersection of Hwy. 95 & 72. By Shanana Rain Golden-Bear It���s La Paz County Fair time! The fair gets underway Thursday, March 14th and runs through Sunday, March 17th. The La Paz County Fair is home to the Miss La Paz County Scholarship Pageant, La Paz Youth Livestock Show and Auction for 4-H and FFA members. Fairgoers can expect livestock exhibits and auctions, Motocross racing, Monster Truck Rides, Exhibits from local businesses, government agencies and schools; the 4th Annual Chili Cook-off, pageants, food, carnival rides and live entertainment. Friday at the Rotary Stage at 5:30 pm with Little Miss La Paz County Pageant followed by the Miss La Paz County Outstanding Teen Pageant at 8pm. Saturday night is the Miss La Paz County Scholarship Pageant at 8:00pm. The 4th Annual Chili Cook Off & Salsa Contest will be held Sunday starting at 10am. The livestock portion of the fair will culminate in the youth livestock auction, which will be held at 1 p.m. Saturday. Young people from 4-H clubs around the county will have a chance to show the animals they���ve raised during the year. The fair has a long history, dating back to the Northern Yuma County Fair in the 1950s. For many years, the fair was held at Manataba Park, which is located on the Colorado River Indian Reservation, at Manataba Park. The fair moved to its present location in 2009. The new fairgrounds in Parker Annex were built with en- ��� SEE FAIR PAGE 23 WHAT���S INSIDE 2 4 8 14-15 18 19 21 25 27 28 32 34 38-39 38 Editorial Letters to Editor Around Town Restaurants Council Updates Perspectives Voices from the Past Rock Auction PHOTOS Adventures with Rocks Rainbow Acres Golf Church Directory MUSIC JAMS Classi���eds Paul Winer���s Comic

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