Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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MAY 8-14, 2019 UCW 29 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM WEEKLY HOROSCOPE NEWS OF THE WEIRD by the Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication Florida. Some days, everything goes right. So it was for the Polk County Sheriff's officers who responded to a call on March 24 from Marta Diaz in Winter Haven, Florida. Diaz's car, a tan Jeep Patriot, had been stolen earlier in the day. As the officers took Diaz's state- ment, that same tan Jeep pulled up in front of the house, and Ronnie Dillon Willis, 25, emerged, telling deputies he was "looking for his cellular phone, which was pinging back to the resi- dence," reported the Miami Herald. Diaz told the officers she didn't know Willis but had seen him earlier on her street. Willis told the officers he woke up that morning at that location, inside a vehicle, but he wasn't sure if it was the Jeep or a minivan also parked there. He knocked on the door of the house, but when no one answered, he took the Jeep to look for his phone, which was missing. The deputies ar- rested Willis for grand theft of a motor vehicle; Willis also had a suspended license, for which he received a traffic citation. [Miami Herald, 4/5/2019] ... Must come down Members of England's Colchester United Football Club were confused by the cheeseburger they found on the pitch at their training ground in March. "When we discovered the burger ... we weren't quite sure what to think," media manager Matt Hud- son told Sky News. But Tom Stanniland, who was tracking the burger, knew exactly what had happened and called the club to explain. "I sent a burger into space using a weather balloon," Stan- niland said. "It had gone about 24 miles up and the weather balloon popped. It's ... traveled over 100 miles and landed." The burger was attached with a zip tie to a Styrofoam box fitted with a GoPro camera and a tracking device. Stanniland took a bite out of the burger after retrieving it, but wasn't impressed: "That's not nice," he said. [Sky News, 3/29/2019] News that sounds like a joke In College Station, Texas, the Peach Creek Vineyard is trying out a new concept for its wine-tasting events: wine with alpacas. Teaming up with the Bluebonnet Hills Alpaca Ranch, the vineyard offers customers the chance to pet and take selfies with alpacas while sipping wine and shop- ping for yarn, wool or clothing. "In 24 hours, we were sold out," vineyard owner Kenneth Stolpman told KTRK- TV. One event sold out so quickly Stolpman had to turn away more than 1,000 people. [KTRK, 4/22/2019] ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Curiosity is a useful tool, Aries. Keep a handle on it this week. Do not go delving into situations that do not involve you, or you could end up in trouble. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, if a certain person's boastfulness is causing concern, you may need to speak up or simply avoid that person for the time be- ing. He or she may just be blowing off steam. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, save yourself a lot of frustration and accept the way things are right now. Focus on the positives in your life and count your many blessings. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 e universe has an important lesson to teach you, Cancer. It involves giving up a little bit of control so you can benefit in unknown ways. is is challenging, but worth it. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, think twice before you commit to any projects or confirm appointments with oth- ers. You have to have all of the details worked out in advance before you can proceed. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, if relationship issues are confusing you, it might be the right time to distance yourself and go it alone for a little while. is will help you get your bearings. LIBR A - Sept 23/Oct 23 Reach out to your to friends this week and ask them for advice on your current situa- tion, Libra. ey know you well enough and may have some important insight. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio your creativity is easily channeled this week and you are bound to surround yourself with others who are eager to brain- storm ideas. is can prove beneficial. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 You have set goals and your feet are firmly planted on the ground. ese are assets that will serve you well, and others will soon look to you for inspiration. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Tr y a different approach if you want to see results, Capricorn. Doing the same thing over and over again hasn't worked for you thus far as it pertains to your relationship. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 Take the scenic route if you are going on a trip, Aquarius. Getting sidetracked is the goal this time around, and you can wander off to parts unknown. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 Support a friend who needs a strong shoulder to lean on, Pisces. is person isn't likely to ask for help, so reach out. Question: In the Season 1 finale of "God Friended Me," the question of who creat- ed the God account was left unanswered. I've convinced myself that the Machine from "Person of Interest" is behind it all and got tired of communicating to people from rapidly disappearing pay phones in NYC. Any thoughts on the subject? — Brian Matt Roush: I like how your mind works — and seeing Amy Acker on "Grey's Anatomy" last week brought back such fond memories of "Person of Interest." But I do think you're headed for only more disappointment if you're watch- ing "God Friended Me" for the answer to the origins of the God account. (And I kind of wish the characters would just drop their obsession as well.) In the overall scheme of things, spiritual quests are all about pursuing the big questions, which tend to lead to more questions. Easy answers aren't the point, and in this case, the account is just one big metaphor anyway, so with this series more than most, I would stress that the journey truly is the destination. Question: Has "Alone" on History been renewed? I love "Survivor"; but "Alone" is better. — Kitzer Matt Roush: History did renew "Alone" for a sixth season, with a new location at the edge of the Arctic Circle. A premiere date hasn't been confirmed, but expect it to return in early summer. To submit questions to TV Critic Matt Roush, go to: tvinsider.com by Damian Holbrook Cheers to Hoda Kotb for deliver- ing some really great news. "Today" viewers got a much-needed break from all the politics and internation- al tragedies when the NBC morning- show host called in on April 16 to reveal that she'd adopted her second daughter, named Hope. Mother and baby are doing great ; fans are still totally verklempt. Jeers to "NCIS: LA" for taking so long to enlist JAG! You'd think the NCIS franchise, which was spun off from CBS' late military-law drama back in 2003, would have gotten stars David James Elliott and Catherine Bell back in court sooner than this season's finale. know in the stay www.upandcomingweekly.com We can help you learn what is happening in and around Fayetteville! In print and online! 208 Rowan St. 910.484.6200