Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1114063
28 UCW MAY 8-14, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Correctly complete the Rocket Fizz crossword puzzle and/or sudoku and send it to: Up & Coming Weekly 208 Rowan St., Fayetteville, NC 28301 or fax it to 910-484-9218 by May 14. You could win a prize courtesy of Rocket Fizz & Up & Coming Weekly! Winners will be notified by phone and may pick up their prize at the Up & Coming Weekly corporate office at 208 Rowan Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________Email:_______________________________________________ Where did you pick up your Up & Coming Weekly?______________________________________ Answers to the 5/1/19 puzzles Visit us online at: www.upandcomingweekly.com Subscribe to receive Your FREE online edition! MOTHER'S DAY ACROSS 1. May occasion 5. ____ Tzu 8. Auto unit 11. Lyft alternative 12. "On Golden ____" 13. Zetkin of International Women's Day fame 15. Forever and a day 16. "e Simpsons" palindrome 17. Angler's decoys 18. *Mother, e.g. 20. Friend in war 21. Divided, it cannot stand? 22. Black gold 23. *Mother, e.g. 26. Like anti-cruelty proponents 29. "is land is your land..." 30. Loan shark 33. *Like Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard 35. "Captain Marvel" genre 37. It also rises, in Spanish 38. Faulkner's "As I Lay ____" 39. Ant construction 40. "Not my brother's ____" 42. First Tudor monarch's number 43. Meteorologist's line 45. Battles royal 47. Modus operandi 48. Chocolate source 50. Barrymore or Carey 52. *Like grandmother on mother's side 55. Like Al Yankovic 56. Gaelic 57. Joie de vivre 59. On pins and needles 60. *She played Zuzu's mom in Christmas movie classic 61. Left to a Russian 62. Pastrami partner 63. Greek H 64. One quarter of a Presidential term DOWN 1. *School org. with moms (and dads) as members 2. Indian music 3. Farm team 4. Pool hall mishap 5. Powerball, e.g. 6. Playwright Chekhov 7. Perfume property 8. Lime-rich soil 9. Mouse to a snake 10. Fossil fuel 12. Accepted truths 13. Request to Geico 14. *Mother's song 19. Tedium 22. "Days of ____ Lives" 23. *Delivery room word 24. Binary digits code 25. Train runners 26. *What many mothers want 27. Lacking guile 28. "Sesame Street" regular 31. Olympic cast-out 32. Future fish 34. Shining armor 36. *Form of thank you to mom 38. Gloomy and drab 40. Jared's competitor 41. Hosted 44. Off-color 46. With nobody to call your own 48. Editor's insert 49. Between harbors 50. Controvert 51. *Mother's Day, e.g. 52. *Emmanuel Macron's mom, e.g. 53. Toward shelter, nautically 54. Volcanic flow 55. "e Art of ____" 58. And not Congratulations to Jennie Maxwell who picked up a copy of Up & Coming Weekly at Fayetteville Ambulatory Center.