Up & Coming Weekly

May 07, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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MAY 8-14, 2019 UCW 21 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Dr. Larry Keen and the board of trustees of Fayetteville Technical Community College are excited to announce the 57th Annual Commencement Exercises May 17, at the Crown Coliseum. Due to high number of graduates, FTCC decided last year to split the graduation into two ceremonies and host them both during the day. The ceremonies were successful, and the plan for 2019 is to continue with two daytime graduation ceremonies. The morning commence- ment will begin at 10 a.m., and the doors will unlock for the public at 9 a.m. Graduates from computer information technol- ogy programs, business programs, engineering and applied technology programs and health programs will be recognized. The afternoon commencement will begin at 2 p.m., and the doors will unlock for the public at 1 p.m. FTCC will recognize graduates from the arts and humanities programs, math and science programs, public service programs and continuing education programs. The commencement speaker will be former North Carolina Sen. Dr. Eric L. Mansfield. Rev. Jacob Warren from Veritas Church in Fayetteville will provide the invocation and benedic- tion during both ceremonies. Photo Specialties, which is based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, will pro- vide photo services for graduates. Class rings for the 2019 class are avail- able for student purchase through the Balfour Ring Company. Representatives from FTCC's Jobs Center are available to assist graduates with creating resumes and finding employment. Representatives from FTCC's University Outreach Transfer Center are also helpful in discussing vari- ous options for students interested in continuing their academic journeys beyond the two-year pro- gram of study. Anyone who plans to attend the morning or afternoon graduation ceremonies should anticipate heavy traffic around the Crown Coliseum. Students only will arrive through the Expo Doors located off East Mountain Drive. All friends and family should enter the Crown Coliseum through the North, West and East entrances. The Crown Coliseum will stream the com- mencement exercises live at www.crowncom- plexnc.com/events/event-streaming. For more information about the FTCC 2019 commencement ceremony and an additional direct link to the graduation streaming, visit the FTCC Graduation Page at www.faytechcc.edu/campus-life/academ- ic-resources/graduation. FTCC has been serving the Fayetteville/ Cumberland County area since 1961. The college offers more than 250 programs of study leading to the award of associate degree, certificate or diplo- ma. Program areas include arts and humanities, math and sciences, business, computer technol- ogy, engineering/applied technology, health, and public service. Fayetteville Tech's corporate and continuing edu- cation programs also provide a wide array of cours- es with convenient options for affordable career training, personal interest courses and high school diploma education. FTCC's website, www.faytechcc. edu, shares a great deal of information, and admis- sions counselors are available at the Fayetteville, Fort Bragg and Spring Lake campus locations. Browse the website, or visit one of the campus loca- tions for assistance in enrolling for summer and fall classes at your community college. MARLINA PINEIRO, FTCC Assessment Retention Support Coordinator. COMMENTS? Editor@upand- comingweekly.com. 910-484-6200. EDUCATION FTCC celebrates class of 2019 with graduation May 17 by MARLINA PINEIRO The graduates will be split up into a morning ceremony and an afternoon ceremony. 2019 Best of Fayetteville Special Edition • Coming July 31, 2019 ATTENTION LOCAL BUSINESSES... NEED CUSTOMERS? Advertise & promote your business all year long eectively and aordably! Advertise, market and promote your business in the most popular, most read edition of the year! For more information, rates and deadlines call (910) 484-6200 RESERVE YOUR SPACE TODAY! SPECIAL EDITION Published, Distributed and Online in the Fayetteville, Ft. Bragg and Cumberland County area ALL YEAR!

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