Up & Coming Weekly

May 07, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 18 UCW MAY 8-14, 2019 The Derby Run in memory of Justin Lopes at Terry Sanford High School. 10K and 5K. Start time is 8:15 a.m. Search the event on active.com to register. Fayetteville Woodpeckers vs. Carolina Mudcats at Segra Stadium. Call 910-339-1989 or visit www.milb.com/fayette- ville for more information. Mother's Day Car- riage Rides in down- town Fayetteville. 1-8 p.m. Call 910-223-1089 for tickets. Spring Movies in the Swamp at J.P. Riddle Stadium. 3:30- 8:45 p.m. Call 910-426-5900 for information. City Market at the Fayetteville Area Transportation and Local His- tory Museum. 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Call 910-433-1457 for details. Fayetteville Woodpeckers vs. Salem Red Fox at Segra Stadium. Call 910- 339-1989 or visit www.milb. com/fayetteville for more information. Cape Fear Herores vs. Caro- lina Predators at the Crown Complex.7:30 p.m. Visit www.crown- complexnc.com for more information. Fayetteville Woodpeck- ers vs. Carolina Mud- cats at Segra Stadium. Call 910-339-1989 or visit www.milb.com/fayetteville for more information. Sweet Tea Shake- speare presents "Maid Marian" through May 12. Visit sweetteashake- speare.com for tickets and information. Ron White at the Crown 8 p.m. For tick- ets and details, visit crown- complexnc.com. Fayetteville After 5 in Festival Park. 6 p.m. Find out more at www.thedogwoodfes- tival.com. Fayetteville Ladies Power Lunch, featuring key- note speaker KasCie Page at Ramada Plaza on Owen Drive. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $45. Enjoy shopping, networking, lunch and more. Visit fayette- villeladiespowerlunch.com for tickets and information. "Memphis" at Cape Fear Regional The- atre May 9-26. Visit cfrt.org for tickets and details. Fayetteville Wood- peckers vs. Salem Red Fox at Segra Stadium. Call 910-339-1989 or visit www.milb.com/fay- etteville for more informa- tion. Yoga in the Garden at Cape Fear Botanical Garden. 6-7 p.m. Call 910-486-0221 for more information. Fayetteville Wood- peckers vs. Caro- lina Mudcats at Segra Stadium. Call 910-339-1989 or visit www.milb.com/ fayetteville for more information. "Early African- American Busi- nesses in Fay- etteville" at the Fayetteville Area Transporta- tion and Local History Museum through Sept. 30. Free. Call 910-433-1457 for details. "Baseball in Fayetteville" exhibition at the Fayetteville Area Transpor- tation and Local History Mu- seum. Free. Call 910-433- 1457 for more information. Dirtbag Ales Farmers Market at 5435 Corpora- tion Dr., Hope Mills. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Search the event on Facebook for more information, or call 910-426-2537. Fort Bragg Fair through May 12 at Fort Bragg Fair- grounds. Unlimited carnival rides and live entertainment are included in one low admis- sion price. For details, visit bragg.armymwr.com. "Picturing America's Pas- time Exhibition" through May 11 at The Arts Center, 301 Hay St. Free. Call 910-323-1776 for gallery hours and tour information. BULLETIN BOARD WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 18 19 May 10 and 11 The Arts Council's art intake for "Pub- lic Works." Find out more at theartscouncil.com. May 18 Cape Fear Ballroom Dancers monthly dance at Roland's dance studio. 7-10 p.m. Visit www.capefearball- roomdancers.org for details. May 19 Friends of the Library Public Book Sale at Head- quarters Library. 1-4 p.m. Call 910-483-7727 ext. 1304 for details. May 25 Second Annual Vegan Festival in downtown Fayetteville, hosted by The Green Roots Society. Ap- plication deadline May 1 for vendors. Call 910-483-8406 for details. June 2019, date TBA Vision Resource Center will be cel- ebrating its new Cedar Creek Road location with an Open House. Sponsor applications are now being accepted for VRC's 7th Annual Out-of- Sight Dining fundraiser to be held in Segra Stadium Sept. 21. For more information, call 910 483-2719 or visit www. visionresourcecentercc.org. July 13 The Carolina Book Tour for Kaleya Ervin, 11-year-old author/musician and survivor of childhood abuse and vision impair- ment, will stop in Fayetteville 6-8 p.m. at Bethel Christian Assembly, 1065 Progress St. Free Admission and free "Now I See" books. Host Lenora Lassiter invites the community to sponsor this event for children. Contact sisterpourintome@gmail. com. Read more about Ervin at www.the realkaleya.com. 1 Million Cups at FTCC, for its summer schedule, will meet every other Wednesday at 9 a.m. beginning May 1 in the General Classroom Building, Room 114. Visit 1millioncups.com/fayetteville for details. 15 WHAT'S UP AND COMING 17 11 9 12 10 FORT BRAGG/POPE A.A.F. 16 Fort Bragg Protestant Women of the Chapel meets Tuesdays 9-11:30 a.m. at All-American Cha- pel, 7242 Ardennes St. For all women military ID card holders, active duty or dependent. Free watch- care. Learn more at www. facebook.com/ FortBrag- gPWOC. Frame and Design Arts offers framing, engraving, embroidery and more. Call 910-394-4192 for more information. Fort Bragg Auto Skills Cen- ters provide bays with lifts, tools and data software or hard copy instructions for vehicle repair. There are certified technicians on hand. Call 910-394-2293 or 396-8665 for details. The Fort Bragg Clay Target Center is located at 651 E. Manchester Rd. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday through Sunday. Call 910- 436-9489 for more infor- mation. Suicide Prevention infor- mation here. Fort Bragg Help Line: 910-396-HELP (4357). National Suicide Hotline: 1-800-suicide, 800-784-2433. National Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255). Military One Source: 800-342-9647. The Recycling Center on Fort Bragg accepts elec- tronic waste, used cooking oil and other recyclables 8

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