Up & Coming Weekly

May 07, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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14 UCW MAY 8-14, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Fayetteville After Five returns, brings free concerts to Festival Park by STEPHANIE CRIDER EVENT e season kicks off May 10 with '90s tribute band 120 Minutes. Based in the Triangle area, the band brings the best alternative and radio rock and pop hits from the '90s. A longstanding local tradition, Fayetteville After 5 brings free concerts to Festival Park all summer long. It happens every second Friday, May through August. Show up ready to enjoy a night of music — and dancing, if you feel like it — under the stars. Come hungry and get din- ner from the food trucks on hand, too. e season kicks off May 10 with '90s tribute band 120 Minutes. Based in the Triangle area, the band brings the best alternative and radio rock and pop hits from the '90s. If artists like Nirvana, Gin Blossoms, ird Eye Blind, Wee- zer, Backstreet Boys, Green Day, e Cranber- ries, Shania Twain, Cracker, Tom Petty, Smash Mouth and Hootie and the Blowfish get your toes tapping, this is a concert you won't want to miss. June 14, Eagles tribute band On the Border takes the stage. is group goes all-out to provide an authentic Eagles experience. Each band member plays their respective band member of the Eagles during the perfor- mance. eir delivery of spot-on music has not only garnered them a loyal following, they have been declared the greatest Eagles tribute band in the world by AXSTV and host Katie Daryl. Fayetteville's own Rivermist headlines the July 12 concert. Rivermist formally came together in 2014, but the band members have been playing in and around Fayetteville for more than 20 years. A classic rock and variety party band, Rivermist is energetic on the stage and knows how to play to its audience. e band has won several awards locally, including Up & Coming Weekly's Best of Fayetteville. Aug. 9, Kasey Tyndall closes the season. Tynda's debut single, "Everything is Texas," dropped in 2017. e video was in the top 10 on CMT's 12 Pack Countdown. "For as long as people have been breaking hearts or getting their hearts broken, there's a bar, that bar's regulars, and its staff to help," says Tyndall on her website. "We all have that bar in our life — no matter what we're going through, we're somehow family when we come together there." e gates open at 5 p.m. for all the concerts. Music starts around 6:30 p.m. and ends around 10:30 p.m. Bring a blanket or a lawn chair. No canopies, please. No coolers or outside food is permitted. Service dogs are welcome. e concerts are free. Visit www.thedogwoodfestival.com/fayette ville-after-five to learn more. STEPHANIE CRIDER, Associate Publisher. COMMENTS? Editor@upand- comingweekly.com. 910-484-6200. only one winner! only one winner! Per Category • No second or third place VOTE NOW! www.upandcomingweekly.com Special Thanks to: Utley & Knowles CPAs

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