Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
Issue link: https://www.epageflip.net/i/1114063
12 UCW MAY 8-14, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM BRAD LOASE | OWNER WWW.EXPRESSPROS.COM/FAYETTEVILLENC 815 STAMPER ROAD FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28303 (910) 437-5959 It's heating up for the Summer, and so are our employees. We have people ready to go! Fayetteville Hosts Big South 2019 Baseball Tournament May 21-25 at SEGRA Stadium The 2019 Big South Conference Baseball Championship presented by Hardee's will be hosted at Segra Stadium in Fayetteville. The tournament is scheduled for May 21-25, and will feature the top nine teams in the final standings. The new format features two single elimination games to open the tournament, plus a bye for the No. 1 seed into the final six. The first two days (six games total) will be streamed live on ESPN3, while the third and fourth days (seven games) will be carried live on ESPN+. The event concludes with Saturday's "WINNER TAKE ALL" Championship contest to be broadcast nationally on ESPNU. The winner of the tournament will receive the Big South Conference's automatic bid to the NCAA Regionals. The Big South Conference is an NCAA Division I Conference that produced the 2016 Baseball National Champion. Member schools include Campbell, Charleston Southern, Gardner-Webb, Hampton, High Point, Longwood, Presbyterian, Radford, UNC Asheville, USC Upstate and Winthrop. The City's marketing of the event received financial assistance from the Cumberland County Tourism Development Authority (TDA). For tickets and more information, log onto www.FayettevilleWoodpeckers.com, scroll over "Tickets & Promotions" and click on "Big South Baseball Championship." For more information, visit www.FayettevilleNC.gov/BigSouth. City Announces Boards and Commissions Openings The City of Fayetteville is looking to its citizens to help fill vacancies for the following boards and commissions: Millennial Advisory Commission – 13 openings Redevelopment Commission - 1 opening Applications will be accepted until midnight May 16, 2019. All qualified applications will be presented to the Appointments Committee in May. The Fayetteville City Council will approve boards and commissions members at a regular meeting in June. The City will accept applications via the City website at www.FayettevilleNC.gov. Citizens should scroll over "Government" and choose "Boards and Commissions" under the "City Council" section. From there, residents should select "Apply for a Board" and fill out the form. Fayetteville Beautiful Slated for May 11 The annual Fayetteville Beautiful Citywide Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 11. Dedicated to reducing litter, encouraging waste reduction and promoting beautification projects through community engagement, Fayetteville Beautiful asks residents to pick up litter by signing up at www.fayettevillebeautiful.com on the website's interactive map, which is highlighted on the homepage with the words "Citywide Cleanup Map" in red. Volunteers should meet at the entrance to Cross Creek Park on Green Street from 8-9:30 a.m. Orange bags, gloves and bottled water will be distributed to assist with the cleanup. During the April 21, 2018 Citywide Cleanup, 478 volunteers picked up 9,722 pounds of litter. In total, during the 14 Citywide Cleanups, 12,638 volunteers picked up over 147 tons of litter along 216 miles of roadside. Fayetteville Beautiful, a partner of Keep America Beautiful and Keep NC Beautiful, encourages citizens to create and maintain a cleaner and more beautiful Fayetteville by practicing these methods: Use reusable containers when possible Recycle bottles, cans, paper and plastics Use trash containers with tightly fitting lids Adopt a street/site and keep it clean Discourage family and friends from littering Provide adequate trash and recycling containers; place conspicuously and empty often Encourage public officials to enforce the litter laws Report litter violations Support Fayetteville Beautiful with your donations or volunteer for one of our many projects For more information, visit www.FayettevilleBeautiful.com. 433 Hay Street Fayetteville, NC 28301-5537 www.FayettevilleNC.gov (910) 433-1FAY (1329) /cityoffayettevillegovernment Insta Follow Your City on Social Media: Engaging You About Your City Government Engaging You About Your City Government KENNETH MAYNER, MPA, Chief Branding Officer, City of Faye eville Corporate Communica ons Department, Contribu ng Writer.