Up & Coming Weekly

January 22, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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Page 26 of 32

26 UCW JANUARY 23-29, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Correctly complete the Rocket Fizz crossword puzzle and/or sudoku and send it to: Up & Coming Weekly 208 Rowan St., Fayetteville, NC 28301 or fax it to 910-484-9218 by Jan. 29. You could win a prize courtesy of Rocket Fizz & Up & Coming Weekly! Winners will be notified by phone and may pick up their prize at the Up & Coming Weekly corporate office at 208 Rowan Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301. Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________Email:_______________________________________________ Where did you pick up your Up & Coming Weekly?______________________________________ Answers to the 1/16/19 puzzles Visit us online at: www.upandcomingweekly.com Subscribe to receive Your FREE online edition! SUPERBOWL ACROSS 1. Hose hue 5. Flower precursor 8. Gershwin brother 11. Scottish valley 12. After hedge or mutual 13. Headquartered 15. *Cleats, helmet, pads 16. Hip bones 17. Road-tripping guide 18. *Hometown of first Super Bowl winner 20. Big Bang's original matter 21. Be 22. Bygone bird 23. *Last year's Super Bowl champions 26. Came around the corner 30. 100% 31. Donate, 2 words 34. Salty drop 35. #50 Down, pl. 37. Mythical giant bird 38. Latin dance 39. A famous Amos 40. Packing a punch 42. In the know 43. Relating to River Styx 45. Sodium ____, or NaI 47. Needlefish 48. Beta's follower 50. Phishing attack 52. *NFL Trophy name 55. Completely or exactly 56. Adam and Eve's son 57. U, on the road 59. Casts a ballot 60. Barn top? 61. Do like exhaust pipe 62. *2019 Super Bowl broadcasting network 63. Tally 64. *Player's 40, e.g. DOWN 1. Bird-to-be 2. Horsefly 3. Infantry's last rows 4. Unwind 5. Precursor to #5 Across, pl. 6. Uniate church member 7. June 6, 1944 8. Small island 9. Paper unit 10. *As entertaining as Super Bowl game? 12. Last line to cross 13. Louisiana swamp 14. *Home of Mercedes-Benz Stadium 19. *Goodell and such 22. "My" in French 23. Sunrise side, pl. 24. Give out 25. 1989 Civil War drama 26. *Player with most Super Bowl points scored 27. Capital territory of India 28. Alleviated 29. Window treatment 32. *Grid____ 33. Leprechaun's gold holder 36. *Popular Super Bowl nickname 38. Pore in a leaf 40. Even ____ in golf 41. Jack be that! 44. Poetic feet 46. Flitted 48. Spoil 49. Change the Constitution 50. No neatnik 51. Butcher's piece, pl. 52. Mount Veniaminof output 53. Russian governmental agency 54. Pupil controller 55. Pipe material 58. Indefinite degree Congratulations to Cindy West who picked up a copy of Up & Coming Weekly at the Cumberland County Courthouse.

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