Up & Coming Weekly

January 22, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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JANUARY 23-29, 2019 UCW 19 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM EDUCATION Trojan Athletics is changing Fayetteville Tech by MIKE NEAL Although the new athletics program at Fayetteville Technical Community College has existed only three years, it is already causing many changes that are positively affecting the col- lege, both in and out of the classroom. New teams and new facilities are add- ing new opportunities for the college and the community. The FTCC men's and the women's basketball teams are in their third year and are having their best seasons to date. At Thanksgiving break, both teams were in first place in the region. Although the teams have not main- tained that position, their efforts have positioned them as teams to watch, and they are representing FTCC well. Their levels of play so far have given the three new teams a respected repu- tation with high expectations within the region. Women's volleyball opened in September with a strong schedule. Team members played all home games inside Horace Sisk Gymnasium at the Fayetteville campus. Though the gym is small, it created a great atmosphere that changed the percep- tion of FTCC athletics on campus. The team performed well with good wins over other schools with long- established programs. The campus welcomed the home team with a nice crowd in attendance for each match. Baseball and softball begin this spring, and their addition brings more changes to the campus. The college has received, through re-gifting from Cumberland County, the J.P. Riddle Stadium. Having this space will high- light the baseball and softball teams and add opportunities for lab space and work-based learning. Several FTCC programs will have the opportunity to use real-world applica- tions and classroom learning through this relationship with the county. Students in areas of study such as hor- ticulture, culinary arts, business, civil engineering and others will benefit. It won't be only the players competing on the field who enjoy many facets of the baseball/stadium experience. The acquisition of the stadium has allowed for an additional opportunity for the FTCC softball team. Freedom Christian Academy has been play- ing baseball at J.P. Riddle Stadium for a few seasons and will continue to practice and play there, along with the FTCC Trojans. As a result, the Trojans will be able to share the softball field at FCA, which is built behind its campus, for games. The field at FCA is new and will be a great location for Trojan women's softball home games. This is all possible through diligent scheduling of prac- tice time, facilities and games. All FTCC games are on weekends; FCA plays during the week. Trojan Athletics has positively affected campus life in only three years and is now reaching out into the community. The new teams have introduced many more student- athletes to FTCC. The Trojan logo can be seen throughout the campus more now than ever. Teams play games at various locations throughout Fayetteville — basketball at Reid Ross Classical School, volleyball at FTCC, softball at FCA and baseball at J.P. Riddle Stadium. These teams present great opportu- nities for local student-athletes to per- form. It is a great time to be an FTCC Trojan. Learn more about FTCC athlet- ics at www.faytechcc.edu/athletics. MIKE NEAL, FTCC Director of Intercollegiate Athletics. COM- MENTS? Editor@upandcomin- gweekly.com. 910-484-6200. FTCC received J.P. Riddle Stadium from Cumberland County. Go Online 484-6200 www.uandcomingweekly.com Flip our pages for news, views, art and entertainment! Call and ask one of our marketing representatives to help you grown your business.

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