Desert Messenger is your local connection for news, events, and entertainment!
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WHAT'S INSIDE 5 Rock Art Presentation 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Restaurants 9 Museum updates 10 Squares in the Desert 11 Spaghetti Dinner cancelled 12 Around Town 13 Business Chamber fi nal gift 14 Art Guild 15 The Salvation Army Happenings 16 Coyote Fresh Grand Opening 16 Paul Winer's Concert Schedule 25 Music in the Desert 25 Music Jams 27 AZ Fake Service Animal Law 27 Bingo 28 In Memoriam 28 QPD Safety Tips 29 FAFSA 31 Nancy's Kitchen 32 Puzzles 33 Herb Mama 33 Assessor's Corner 34 Churches 36 Classifeds 36 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, December 19, 2018 VOL. 15 # 290 Now in our 1 5 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! 33 Assessor's Corner ����� | S���� B���C�� ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� Ribbon Cutting & Grand Opening held Monday, Dec, 10th for Coyote Fresh Foods Annual Christmas Parade highlights The Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce and Toursim in cooperation with the Town of Quartzsite held the 15th Annual Christmas Light Parade on Sat- urday, December 15th. It was an- other big success again this year with 30 entries. There were many decorated ATVs and classic/an- tique vehicles entered, as well as many non-profi t, business, RV parks, churches, youth groups also bringing in fl oats and lighted entries to the parade. The parade ended at the Com- munity Center where cookies from local businesses, cocoa, and drinks were provided. The Chamber would like to thank the Town Hall Staff for all their hard work this year. Thank you to the PTO, who offered children the opportunity to have their photos taken with Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus. Also thank you to Lois Dupre and her Food Bank volunteers for stuffi ng socks with treats for all the kids. Thanks also to Quartzsite Amateur Ra- dio Club operators for their help with the road closures and parking. A special thank you to Brian Sim and Brenda Wasnock for stepping in for Santa and Mrs. Claus, since they were so busy at the North Pole, getting all those presents ready for Christmas delivery! The winners this year were: Once again the Best Overall Traveling Trophy went to Park Place RV Park! Best light display "Seasons Brightest": APS Best Original "Creative Sparkle": PTO Best Business: APS Best ATV group: Rainbow Acres Best ATV: James Walker Best Church: Church of Christ Best Youth Group: Quartzsite Volleyball Team Best Classic Vehicle: Ralph Merwin Best Community Organization: PTO Best RV Park: Park Place RV Park We also want to especially thank all the people who participated in the parade this year and made it such a great evening's fun for every- one. We hope you all had a great time and that it will inspire you to participate in the parade next year!! Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the parade--you all made it such a great success!! See more Photos on Page 39