Desert Messenger

May 5, 2010

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Vol. 6 Issue #109 FREE Community Paper Serving The Communities Of Quartzsite, Ehrenberg, Brenda & Bouse Wed. May 5, 2010 Cinco de Mayo QUARTZSITE- Scholars’ Academy will host a celebra- tion of good food, good music and dancing on Cinco de Mayo (Wed., May 5th) Starting at 6:30 the public can purchase a delicious plate of Mexican food for only $5. All proceeds will benefi t the Scholars’ Acad- emy Athletic Department & the Town of Quartzsite Athletic Fields. There will be games & Bounce House for the kids! Come on out and join the fun! Students Walk for the Innocent By Joanne Winer Our third annual “Walk for the Innocent” that was 3rd Annual Walk for the Innocent a huge success held on April 30 to raise awareness of child abuse and molestation was a huge success again this year! We met at the Fire Dept. on Tyson and people started get- ting there well before the 9am time we had scheduled to start the walk. The students from the Elementary School arrived in two buses at about 9:15, so it got started a little later than we planned because we had them sign in to get their ribbons before starting the walk. The bus from the Scholars’ Academy also brought many high school students to participate, and many more adults came out this year to show their support. By the time ev- eryone got signed in and got their ribbons and water, it was close to 9:30 before we got going, but it was a great crowd that had gathered for this worthy cause. Mayor Wes Huntley spoke to the crowd before the walk started. His comments included, “I would like to personally thank all the parents, teachers, students and community residents for participating in today’s  SEE INNOCENT PAGE 8 Jerry Lukkasson Paid for by Michelle Lukkasson, PO. Box 3190, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 BUSINESS OWNER, RESIDENT & CURRENT COUNCILMEMBER QES Science Fair by Joanne Winer QUARTZSITE- The first annual Science Fair was held at the Quartzsite Elementary School this past week, and entries were on display from students of all grade levels. Every different branch of science taught at the grade school levels were covered, from zoology, earth sci- ences, physics, botany and more. The gymnasium had several lines of tables set up where the students had their projects on display. There were all kinds of experiments that started out with a theory, and after work- ing on the basis of their theories, the students came up with their conclusions. For example, Taylor Watson took water samples from tap water, bottled water, reverse osmosis, and well  SEE SCIENCE FAIR PAGE 14 Taylor Watson took home two First Place Blue Ribbons with her testing of a variety of water samples FOR COUNCIL “Keep Quartzsite moving in a positive direction, improving the quality of life for families, seniors, vendors, and business owners!” FREE! May 18, 2010 OTE

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