Desert Messenger

November 21, 2018

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Soup & Chowder Fest 4 Animal Code proposal 5 Silent Auction 5 Rock Art Presentation 5 Election Results 6 Editorial 7 Letters to Editor 8 Restaurants 10 Will Roberts 11 Dr. Buck Montgomery 12 Around Town 13 JOTA 15 Shop Small Saturday 16 Christmas Parade 21 The Salvation Army Happenings 21 Herb Mama 22 Nancy's Kitchen 23 Music in the Desert 23 DPS Bust 24 Assessor's Corner 24 QPD Arrest Report 25 In Memoriam 26 Churches 28 Puzzles 29 Classifeds 29 Paul Winer's Cartoon 31 Buck Connors Western Days Photos • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, November 21, 2018 VOL. 15 # 288 Now in our 1 5 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Winners of Run, Walk, Rock & Roll at Buck Connors Western Days, Nov. 10, 2018 The Annual Santa's Workshop Arts and Crafts Festival that is once again being held at Tyson Wells Showgrounds on November 24 and 25. The Quartzsite Business Chamber of Commerce started the fes- tival, but following their retirement last spring, Nancy Nichols stepped in to organize this year's event. The craft festival is full of unique handmade crafts, original artwork, handmade gifts, and Christmas decorations. There will be demonstrations and hourly raffl es for one-of-a-kind items. Crafters come from all over the country and even from Canada when they come for the winters here in the Southwest, and it is always great to see them again every year. They spend their summers doing all their unique craft items and bring them to the Santa's Workshop to bring more Christmas spirit to the holiday spirit!! The festival is located in the metal building at Tyson Wells Showgrounds, 121 W. Kuehn and Hwy. 95. Hours for both days are 10am-4pm. For more information contact Nancy Nichols 3x0-635-1387 or visit Santa's Workshop Arts & Crafts Festival Nov. 24-25 ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� QPD Officer T & Sgt. Gray having fun at Buck Connors Western Days MORE PHOTOS PAGE 31

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