Desert Messenger

November 07, 2018

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Page 34 of 35 Horizon Community Bank is locally owned/operated bank that offers business banking services, SBA loans, etc. We know business. 225 N CENTRAL BLVD, QUARTZSITE, AZ 85346 (928) 927-7660 www. FRIDAY, NOV. 9 8:30am Quartzsite Pioneer Tour High Noon OHV Cattle Drive Parade Noon-6pm Vendor Row & Delicious Food Noon-6pm Beer Garden 2pm-dusk UTV Challenge 6pm FREE! Buck Connors Outdoor Movies SATURDAY, NOV. 10 8am 5K Run, Walk, Rock & Roll Register @ 7am 9am-3pm Branding Iron Art Gallery & Show 9am-3pm Show off Your Horse Power Car Show 9am-5pm Live Music & Entertainment 9am-6pm Vendor Row & Delicious Food 10am-5pm Dr. Buck's WILD WEST SHOW! 11am-2pm Cowboy Chili Cook Off Noon-6pm Beer Garden 10am-4pm L'il Buckaroos Corral & Petting Zoo 10am-4pm Gold Panning 6pm BBQ Dinner at QIA 7pm Dr. Buck's Wild West STAGE SHOW at QIA Sunday, NOV. 11 vETERANS DAY 10am-2pm Vendor Row & Delicious Food 10am Cowboy Church 11am Veterans Day Ceremony Unless otherwise noted, all events are held at Quartzsite Town Park, 295 E. Chandler, Quartzsite, AZ SCHEDULE OF EVENTS stage cAR SHOW VENDORS FOOD ATV CHALLENGE BEER PARKING KIDS CORAL ZIP LINE QUAIL TRAIL N. PLYMOUTH AVE. TOWN PARK Get Your YEE HAW on Quartzsite! Civil engineering firm offering advanced water resource services Award-winning, Multi-disciplined Planning, Design, Engineering and Surveying Firm COYOTE FRESH FOODS (Located in the Former General Store) 410 E. Main St. Quartzsite, AZ 928-927-9300 CUSTOM FRESH CUT QUALITY MEATS! Produce • Bakery • Deli • Fresh Breads

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