Zeta Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri State University
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THE ZETA CHI PIKELINE Fall 2018 ZETA CHI CHAPTER OF PI KAPPA ALPHA AT MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY SETTING THE STANDARD FOR ACHIEVEMENT Zeta Chi alumni and undergraduates awarded for exCellenCe Chapter Updates Lighting and Backyard Alex Schlitt '13 installed 107 new LED lights throughout the chapter house in an effort to save energy. is has already decreased utility costs as well as brightened up the chapter house, making it more secure and visually appealing. Addition- ally, the retention pond, also known as the "pit," at the back of the property has been transformed into a deck. It will be formally dedicated during Homecoming weekend October 19-21. e up- dates do not stop there. We added a new wooden fence, which has not only allowed for more pri- vacy but has increased our available event space. Zeta Chi Welcomes 72 New Members At the end of formal recruitment, the undergrad- uate chapter welcomed one of the largest pledge classes in our history. Zeta Chi is committed to finding men who exemplify TRUE PIKE and at the helm this semester is Ethan Johnson '16. He has already demonstrated his leadership ability and he seeks to faithfully represent the tenets of Pi Kappa Alpha. Pike Attends Biennial Conference in Richmond, Virginia Zeta Chi was represented by Alex Schlitt, Ethan Johnson, and Jay Nicholson '75 this summer during the 150-year celebration. The internation- al biennial conference featured tours of 47 West Range and the University of Virginia. For the eighth year in a row, the Zeta Chi Alumni Associ- ation of Pi Kappa Alpha was recognized as a 2018 William R. Nester Alumni Association of the Year Award recipient, representing the top 10 percent of alumni associations. The chapter took home several more awards, in- cluding: n Raymond L. Orians Excellence Award –Top 20% of Pike Chapters n PIKE University 25+ Man Commitment n 100+ Man Chapter Award n Public Relations Programming Award n International Work Day Award n Alumni Advisory Board of the Year n Alumni Association of the Year Award Save the Date for Holiday Luncheons St. Louis Area Holiday Luncheon Date: Friday, December 21 Time: 11 a.m. Location: Helen Fitzgerald's Irish Grill & Pub 3650 South Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63127 Kansas City Area Holiday Luncheon Date: Friday, December 21 Time: 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. e Granfalloon Restaurant and Bar 608 Ward Pkwy, Kansas City, MO 64112 Springfield Area Holiday Luncheon Date: Friday, December 21 Time: 11:30 a.m. Location: Phase 2 2627 East Sunshine Street, Springfield, MO 65804 Alex Schlitt '13, Ethan Johnson '16, and Jay Nicholson '75 accept many awards for Zeta Chi Chapter at Convention. Zeta Chi Event Celebrates 50/150 On April 14, Zeta Chi celebrated the chapter's 50th anniversary in conjunction with Pike In- ternational's 150th. Dubbed the, 50/150 Cel- ebration, more than 90 alumni from all eras attended the dinner event. Earlier in the day the annual Fireman's Challenge kicked off a new version of the traditional philanthrop- ic event. Alex developed a vision offering re- gional fire departments the chance to compete on an obstacle course to earn the coveted tro- phy. More than $4,000 was raised and donated to area departments. A professional website was created (zxfiremanschallenge.org), sponsors were assembled, and the event was covered on a wide range of media outlets. Join Us for MSU Homecoming Don't miss the opportunity to return to Spring- field for MSU Homecoming on Saturday, Octo- ber 20! If you haven't had a chance to help us cel- ebrate our new Pike chapter house on Elm Street, this is the perfect opportunity. We look forward to seeing you there. Fraternally, Jeff Counts '90 ZXAA President (636) 675-5890 / alumni@zetachipikes.com