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2 October 3, 2018 Quartzsite Police offer Pink Patches for Breast Cancer Awareness Month Calling all businesses Quartzsite Area Chamber of Commerce & Tour- ism is once again Quartzsite's Offi cial Neigh- borhood Champion working with American Express for Small Business Saturday, Novem- ber 24th. The Chamber is seeking local busi- nesses to participate in this year's annual Shop Small Saturday. The day coincides with Santa's Workshop Arts & Craft Show at Tyson Wells. The Chamber will host a "Where's Humpy?" Scavenger Hunt encourag- ing shoppers to fi nd "Humpy" at local businesses. The Chamber is seeking businesses to join the fun by having special offers during the day, and fi nd a place for "Humpy" to hide in their business. Local businesses are also en- couraged to participate in promoting Small Business Saturday by signing up at Small Business Saturday® is a day dedicated to supporting small busi- nesses on the busiest shopping weekend of the year. Small Business Sat- urday was created by American Express in 2010 as a response to small business owners' most pressing need: getting more customers. Held on the Saturday following Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday helps rally communities to support local businesses. As Small Business Satur- day enters its ninth year, 55 percent of U.S. consumers report they are aware of the day – the highest fi gure yet recorded – and even more en- couraging, 83 percent say Small Business Saturday inspires them to Shop Small all year long. For more information call 928-927-5200 or email Stay tuned for more details!! Times Three Family Restaurant 1265 W. Main St., Quartzsite West of McDonald's • 928-927-6014 OPEN DAILY 6am-8pm 7 Days a Week We would like to thank everyone who came out for our opening day! It was a Great Free Breakfast Day! 95% of our staff are back with us! Check out our Daily Specials! Again, thanks for welcoming us back for the winter season! ~ from the crew at Times 3 Quartzsite Police Department has again ordered Pink Patches for the month of October! Some Offi cers will be wearing the Pink Patches on their uniforms. The purpose of the Pink Patches is to bring awareness about the life- saving benefi ts of early detection and intervention in the fi ght against breast cancer! The Quartzsite Police Department will be selling these patches only during the month of October at the administrative offi ce during business hours. The proceeds of the sale of these patches will be split half to the Quartzsite Police Explorers and half to a breast cancer charity. Patches will be sold for $20.00 each. These were VERY popular last year, so get your name on the waiting list! Call the station at 928-927-4644.