The North Carolina Mason

September/October 2018

North Carolina Mason

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see ANNUAL, page 3 Michael Harding photos The Mason O!cial Publication of e Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina Volume 143 Number 5 Oxford, North Carolina September/October 2018 NORTH CAROLINA Passing the bucket Saturday to aid those affected by Hurricane Florence. Per capita increase fails; ocers elected By Beth Grace Mason Editor WINSTON-SALEM – North Carolina Freemasons elected a new grand master, received a new member of the Grand Line, rejected a plan to increase the per capita and welcomed two new Montfort Medal winners at the 231st Annual Communication. Shortly after the vote for the 166th Grand Master, Dwight MacLauchlin Sigmon told the assembly, "I stand before you today extremely grateful." He challenged each person attending to use the tools of Masonry to bring positive change to the world. "We can choose to be a Mason or just a member," he said. Sigmon will be installed on Dec. 1. (See sidebar on our new Grand Master on page 2) Sigmon also announced his addition to the Grand Line, Grand Lodge members vote in the Saturday session of the 2018 Annual Communication to approve the 2019 budget, section by section.

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