Indiana Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Purdue University
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S ince A Tradition of Excellence: The Cam- paign for Indiana Beta began, brothers have received multiple mailings updating them on our fundraising efforts and the need to renovate our facility and add parking to the adjacent lot. To date, 182 brothers and friends (represent- ing just 13% of our members) have committed $2,597,052 to the campaign. With the support of Purdue SAE alumni, we are confident we will reach our goal, and we would be honored to add your name to the enclosed list of donors helping us do so. We are look- ing to add 100 new donors to our ranks. We ask that you consider a commitment of $5,000, $2,500, or another amount you can feel proud about, payable over the next five years, to help us reach our goal. We truly understand a pledge of these amounts might take some sacrifice. However, broken into monthly, semiannual, or annual payments, your pledge can be much more manageable. Can you spare $42-$84 a month for Purdue SAE? We often spend this same amount on non-essential items without even noticing. By assigning this sum instead to SAE, you will enable today's collegiate men to have the same life-changing experiences you did. As you can see, it's easier to give to Purdue SAE than you may have thought. And, your gift could not come at a more critical time. Our goal is to complete the final renovations before the 2019 school year begins and your pledge will ensure we keep our project on time. Will you be one of the 100 new donors to step up? If you have already made a donation, we sin- cerely thank you. We humbly ask that you stretch your pledge one more year or make another con- tribution. Any additional amount you can give to SAE will help us reach our goal. Please do your part today by returning the en- closed pledge card with a gift to com- memorate the time you The FALL 2018 A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE - The Campaign for Indiana Beta Lion's TaLe Purdue SAE Looks to Expand Its Ranks of Campaign Donors Campaign StatuS at-a-glanCe As of September 5, 2018 $5 MILLION FUNDRAISING GOAL $2,597,052 IN CONTRIBUTIONS 182 PLEDGES TO DATE Want to make your gift online? Visit today! MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TODAY! spent at Purdue SAE. Remember, a gift of $42 or $84 a month will truly make a difference. Add your name to the list of alumni and friends who have made a pledge and help us reach our cam- paign goal. The need is real and the opportunity is great for us to provide for the next generation. Phi Alpha, Wayne McIntyre '64 Campaign Chairman (408) 930-1438 Over the summer, the parking lot was resurfaced and new lion statues were added to the secondary entrance to the chapter house.