Desert Messenger

September 19, 2018

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2 September 19, 2018 Join QPD for Coffee with a Cop ����� | QFD FA������ P��� 1265 W. Main St., Quartzsite West of McDonald's • 928-927-6014 Times Three Family Restaurant FREE BREAKFAST! We are opening Monday, Oct. 1 st For the 6th year, we're celebrating by serving a FREE BREAKFAST from 7am-11am Oct. 1 st plus Free Coffee! OPEN DAILY 6am-8pm 7 Days a Week! Thank you for supporting us! We look forward to seeing all our friends again soon! Cena and her staff Free Breakfast Choices: 1) Short Stack 2) Biscuit & Gravy 3) 1/2 French Toast Quartzsite Po- lice Chief Wil- liam Ponce and the Of- fi cers of the Q u a r t z s i t e Police Depart- ment would like to invite our community to meet with us for National Coffee with a Cop Day October 3, 2018 at the Quartzsite Community Center 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. National Coffee with a Cop day is a day dedicated to encourage com- munication and positive interac- tions between law enforcement agencies and the public. The day began as part of National Community Policing Week in 2016 and now continues each year on the fi rst Wednesday in October further- ing efforts nationwide to bridge the gap between the community and the law. "Coffee with a Cop is community policing at its core. The simple act of having a cup of coffee with commu- nity members can be the fi rst step in increasing trust and cooperation between the police and the people they serve," said former COPS Of- fi ce Director Ronald L. Davis. The mission of Coffee with a Cop is to break down the barriers between police offi cers and the citizens the serve by removing agendas and al- lowing opportunities to ask ques- tions, voice concerns, and get to know the offi cers in your neighbor- hood. Quartzsite Fire District announced last week, "Thank you to Arizona Public Service (APS) for the donation of this Chevy truck. APS has a program that donates vehicles. We will be using the truck as a service vehicle for the District." APS donates truck to QFD

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