Desert Messenger

September 5, 2018

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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 League Cities & Towns Conference 3 LTVA permit available online 4 HCB supports Food Bank 6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 8 Buck Connors Western Days 9 Restaurants 9 Chamber Mixer 10 New AZ State Laws 11 The Salvation Army Happenings 13 Marilyn McFate honored 15 BLM Ten West 16 Travelogue 17 Nancy's Kitchen 17 Salome High 18 Churches 20 Puzzles 22 Classifeds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, September 5, 2018 VOL. 15 # 283 Now in our 1 5 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! ptember 5 SEE 9/11 PAGE 4 ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� Primary Election results Huge turnout to enjoy July 4th festivities at the park Primary election results August 28th, 2018. Three current council mem- bers ran for the 4-year terms on Quartzsite Town Council. Steve Schue received 182 votes, for 32.79%. Loretta Warner received 166 votes for 29.91%. Lynda Goldberg received 165 votes for 29.73%. There were 42 Write-Ins for the 4 year seat. Bruce Swart was a Write-In candidate for Quartzsite Town Council, 2-year term. Schue, Warner, Goldberg & Swart will be seated in November after the General Election. Huge turnout to enjoy July 4th festivities at the park Special ceremony to remember 9/11 planned at Celia's Rainbow Gardens by Joanne Winer The annual 9/11 Memorial Cer- emony will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 11th starting at 6 p.m. There is still one open council 4- year seat which will be a write-in contest on the November 6th ballot. In the Republican races: For Judge of the La Paz County Supe- rior Court, Karen Hobbs beat Dan- iel Terrell by just 12 votes. Hobbs will go up against Democrat Jes- sica Quickle in the November general election. For Clerk of the Superior Court, Megan Spielman received 1,255 votes. For Justice of the Peace, JP 4, Tammy Car- nevale received 270. Constable, JP 4, James Kox received 251 votes. The deadline to register to vote for Nov. 6th General Election is midnight on October 9, 2018 9/11 Ceremony Everyone is welcome to come and honor those men and women who lost their lives on September 11, 2001--a day that should never be for- gotten. The ceremony will be at the Heroes Bell Gardens in Celia's Rainbow Gardens in Town Park again this year, and will be a tribute to those who lost their lives that day. There is also a monument that will be going in this winter in memory of that event. The ceremony will also honor all the fi rst responders who put their lives on the line every day for our communities, and we are planning monuments to them as well as the military in this area. Council attends League of AZ Cities & Towns Conference SEE LEAGUE PAGE 3

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