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WHAT'S INSIDE 2 Publishing Schedule 3 Awareness Forum 3 Branding Iron Art Show 4 Romaine E-coli update 4 Housing Repair 6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 7 Memorial Day Events 8 Calling All Vendors! 9 Restaurants 11 The Salvation Army Happenings 14 STEAM 15 In Memoriam 16 Travelogue 17 Nancy's Kitchen 18 Churches 20 Puzzles 22 Classifeds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, August 8, 2018 VOL. 14 # 282 Now in our 14 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! August 8 4 candidates file for 5 open council seats Huge turnout to enjoy July 4th festivities at the park Quartzsite, AZ - Five seats are open on the 7-member Quartzsite Town Council, but only four people have fi led to seek election on Tuesday, August 28th, according to Quartzsite Town Clerk's offi ce. Vice Mayor Loretta Warner, who was elected in 2014, will be on the Pri- mary ballot. Council Member Steve Schue, who was appointed in Decem- ber 2016 to fi ll the vacancy made when Norm Simpson resigned to run for mayor, will also be on the ballot. Council Member Lynda Goldberg who was appointed in February to fi ll the vacant seat after Jerry Kincade died, also fi led papers to be on the ballot. Warner, Schue, & Goldberg will be on the ballot for 4-year terms. Council Member Bruce Swart, who was appointed to fi ll the vacant seat in June, 2017 following the death of Carol Kelley, will be a write-in candidate for the 2-year seat. Council member Joseph Hagar, who was appointed in June of this year following the resignation of Hal Davidson, did not submit papers to run, which will create a vacancy as of November this year. The Town Council will then appoint a person to fi ll the vacant seat follow- ing the November election. Mayor Norm Simpson and Council Member Starr BearCat, elected in 2016, have two more years left on their terms. The Primary Election is Tuesday, August 28th, which is the 10th Tuesday before the fi rst Tuesday after the fi rst Monday in November. Early voting began on August 1st, 2018. Voters are able to vote by mail or visit an on-site early voting location. Once the voter receives their ballot, they can choose to return it by mail, or deliver it back to the county in person. Ballots can be returned in person at the County Recorder's Offi ce, designated ballot return boxes or at any voting lo- cation in the county on Election Day. The La Paz County Recorder's Offi ce will be serving as an early voting site and is located at 1112 Josh- ua, Suite 201, Parker, AZ 85344. Arizona Secretary of State website explains: Arizona has an open pri- mary, which means all registered voters can participate in the August 28th Primary Election, including independents. Independent voters can vote early by contacting their County Recorder with their preferred par- ty ballot by August 19th (NOTE: Independents on the Permanent Early Voting List must tell their County Recorder which ballot to send them if they wish to vote early). Or, independent voters can visit the polls and choose their preferred party ballot on Election Day. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day. The last day to register to vote in the November General Election is October 9th. For more information con- tact La Paz County Recorder offi ce in Parker at 928-669-6136. After School program The Town of Quartzsite After School Program begins August 7th at the Community Center. It is open to all Quartzsite school kids grades K-8. Days and Hours will be Monday-Thursday 3 pm to 5:30 pm & Friday 1 pm to 5:30 pm. Parents please pick up no later than 5:30pm. The program will be held again at the Quartzsite Community Center. The program is free. There will be homework help, games, arts and crafts, holiday parties, while making new friends. For more information contact Town Hall at (928)927-4333 and leave a message for Michelle. Kids are back in SCHOOL Please drive carefully!