Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University
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BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Spring 2018 (1) A group of alumni from the 1980s with Chapter President Conner Selch '20. (2) Regional Chief Andy Thomas, Wisconsin-Oshkosh '97, Leadership Consultant Ethan Bell, Wisconsin-Oshkosh '16, Cary Wood '89, Tom Hoover '82, and Bob Schnese, Wisconsin '83. (3) Refounding Father Griffin Hoover '18 addresses the crowd at Beta Mu's Installation ceremony in March. (4) Past President Cameron Murray '19 at this spring's Installation ceremony. (5) Jack Longstreth '51 and George Harmon '49 at Beta Mu's Installation ceremony. 1 2 5 4 3 Beta Mu Is Back! Alumni Return for Beta's Installation Ceremony A s you all know by now, Beta Mu regained its charter at last summer's convention. That celebration was witnessed by just the few who were fortunate enough to attend. So on March 24, we celebrated this achievement with the entire undergraduate community as well as any interested alumni. The formal Installation includ- ed a ritual event at the Chapter House followed by a banquet at the Lafayette Country Club. General Fraternity President Bob Schnese, Wisconsin '83, attended the event, provided gifts to chapter, and was the keynote speaker. Brandon Cutler, director of Greek Life also joined the event. He spoke high- ly of the achievements of the Fraternity on campus and indicated that we are a finalist for a "Fraternity of the Year" award at Purdue. We also unveiled a plaque to celebrate the success of the recent capi- tal campaign and to honor those alumni who made significant gifts. This plaque will be mounted in a prominent location in the Chapter House. We are thankful for the generosity of our alumni. But for me, the most important piece of the Instal- lation was to have alumni come back, reconnect in the bonds of brotherhood, and join in the celebra- tion. Most notably, I was overwhelmed by the at- tendance of George Harmon '49 and Jack Long- streth '51, who came back together. That's what it's all about: creating lifelong friendships. And the fact that they've stayed connected and wanted to be a part of recognizing the significance of the event speaks volumes. We were honored to have their presence. Speaking of alumni, it was announced that Philip Nelson '56 is one of this year's recipients of the Oxford Cup. This is the highest honor bestowed upon alumni by the General Fraternity to recognize Betas of achievement. As you may recall, Broth- er Nelson was highlighted in this newsletter in the winter of 2015 as he was awarded the World Food Prize (the "Nobel Prize" for agriculture). Purdue also had the food science building renamed as the Philip E. Nelson Hall of Food Science in his honor. Not to be outdone, Beta Mu Stephen Bechtel Jr. '46 also had a building named after him. The Bech- tel Innovation Design Center opened last fall on campus. Having two buildings on campus named after Betas is something of which we should all be proud. Continued on page 4