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April 18, 2018 23 WE ACCEPT FREE CLASSIFIEDS * *for items under $999 (30 words, 1/mo./private party) 30 words $ 5 / ad or Twice for $ 9 928-916-4235 CLASSIFIEDS PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to ad- vertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famil- ial status, or national origin, or inten- tion to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." Serving the RVing Community since1977 Quartzsite Coachworks On Site RV Repair RV Specialist PO Box 5082 • Quartzsite, AZ 85359 A/C • Electrical • Plumbing • Roof Repair • All Appliances CALL TODAY! 760-799-2370 1980 Champion Mobile Home 12x42, 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Large Lot w/Lots of Extra Space, Storage Shed, Screened Porch, Carport. For more information: Don 406-350-0225 or Shirley 406-698-2957 FOR SALE BY OWNER $ 11,900/offer 620 W. Tyson St. Quartzsite, Tews RV Park #46 GREAT LOCATION & VIEWS! Approx 45 minutes west & south of Phoenix, AZ. 10 minutes from T/A Truck Stop. (1) 5 acre parcel, $25,500. (2) 10 acre parcels, $35,300 each. For details phone (IA) 641-477-8044. FOR SALE: Bring your toys large 30 by 30 garage insu- lated 2 10 x 10 overhead doors with washer dryer laundry sink also covered RV parking 22 x 40 approxi- mate 1/3 acre fenced-in town $72,500. 2003 Holi- day Rambler Imperial three slides with washer /dryer lots of extras 400 Cummins $60,500. Will consider sell- ing together package deal $125,000. We are located in Quartzsite 303-907-5841. R V SPACE FOR RENT. Gat- ed 55 + community Annual or per month. Call 303-907-5841. RV LOT FOR SALE in Mt. View Resort 55+ w/Kool Kovers for RV & car, 1 has attached room w/full bath- room. Nicely landscaped, concrete patio. 770 Mt. View C-59. $39,000. Call or text 208-530-0841. AVON! Now available in Quartzsite! Call Kay 316- 250-6527. LAND LOTS TERMS Bouse & Brenda. Owner wants out! Several parcels avail. Own- er/broker. 602-570-6417. RV SPACE FOR RENT. Year round. $180/mo. Plus 18 cents Kw electric. Moun- tain Quail 2 55 + park. Call 928-575-6708. 465 W. Cow- ell Quartzsite. UNDER COVER RV Stor- age available in Quartzsite. Phone 520-873-8513 RV SPACE FOR RENT. $350/ mo on 280 acres with only 1 fulltime resident. Hwy. 60 near Brenda, AZ. $50/mo electric. Full/Part time. 602-570-6417. KOFA MT. RV PARK Daily, Weekly, Monthly Rates. No pets 55+ RV Park 928-927- 6778. PARADISE RV PARK spaces available reason- able rates lots of amenities 145 N Moon Mountain Ave 928-927-6318. SUNRISE RV PARK, 440 E. Sunrise St. We have nice, clean, quiet spaces for rent. Monthly, Weekly, Nightly Rates. Plus electric @ 19cents/kwh w/elect. Dep. Please call 928- 927-RENT (7368) MR KOOL SEAL RV ROOF coating. When in doubt Call Bob out for your FREE Es- timate Not a licensed con- tractor. 928-916-9812. TRAILERS FOR RENT $350/ mo. 1 bedroom furnished, clean w/ slide-out in small well main- tained RV Park. Large shady spaces! Water, trash, sewer in- cluded. Dishes/linen available. Winter Haven 55+ RV Park. 928-499-8128. 928-899-1210. CLEAN OUT THAT GARAGE List your items Make some extra spend- ing money! Email Editor@DesertMessenger. com 928-916-4235. WANT TO EARN SOME EX- TRA INCOME? We are look- ing for people in Quartzsite and the surrounding area who would like to earn ex- tra $$$ helping people sell their mobile homes in parks. We will train you. Call Jenn at Piper Capital Holdings, Phoenix division, for more in- formation. 480-579-7036 TRAILERS FOR RENT $300-$375/mo. 1 bedroom furnished, clean w/ slide-out in small well maintained RV Park. Large shady spaces! Water, trash, sewer included. Winter Haven 55+ RV Park. 928-499-8128. 928-899-1210 GOT EVENTS? List for FREE online at www. AFTER YOUR YARD SALE, what's next? Call us! Quartzsite Community Thrift Store can schedule a convenient pick-up of any and all your items. Call land line:928-927-6039, or cell 928-916-7338. WE BUY & SELL estates, antiques, collectibles, jew- elry, art, toys, gold, silver, coins, vintage clothes & household items. Call 480- 286-8373. QUARTZSITE FOOD BANK is looking for a "Few Good Vol- unteers".Talk to Jason Tues- day & Thursday 8AM to Noon at 40 N Moon Mountain. FREE CLASSIFIEDS! Items must total under $1,000. Prices must be listed. Pri- vate party only, 1/month. Yard Sales, Wanted, Free, Lost & Found. 928-916-4235. FREE OBITUARY NOTICES Desert Messenger offers free In Memoriam notices. You can include a photo of your loved one at no charge. Please email a short biography of the deceased and photo to or Call Rain at 928-916-4235. UPDATES FROM SHERIFF The La Paz County Sheriff's Office would like to remind everyone that you can have up to date emergency in- formation sent to your cell phone via text message by texting your zip code to 888777. This is a website called "NIXLE". We send the following type of information to your cell phone: 'road closures, severe weather alerts, serious crime infor- mation, Amber alerts, etc. By signing up with NIXLE, we are able to communi- cate important information to everyone quickly and ef- ficiently via text message. Please sign up today, the service is free. IF YOU WOULD LIKE to make a donation to the Friends of the Quartzsite Food Bank make your check out and mail it to: Friends of the Quartzsite Food Bank, PO Box 4051, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 or Drop it off at the Food Bank Tuesday and Thursday 8-12. Thank you so much!