Beta Rho Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at Montana State University
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BOBCAT SIG Spring 2018 the Beta Rho Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity Montana State University FEATURES: Thank You, Donors 2 • An Impressive Year for Beta Rho 3 • Chapter Offi cers 3 M uch of the past year was spent by the Honoring Our Past 100 Years: Beta Rho's Vision for 2025 capital campaign co-chairmen and other helpful alumni organizing the Beta Rho centennial celebration. The September event was extremely successful by all accounts, and included great weather, over 425 brothers and guests, attendance by our Grand Consul and Grand Pro Consul, Significant Sig and Order of Constantine recipients, Montana State University's president, and other top dignitaries. We celebrated the induction of Brothers Dave Kem '67 and Ron Lewis '88 into the brotherhood of Significant Sigs, enjoyed various activities and events, and reconnected with one another. If you missed any of the celebratory details, check out last fall's campaign update, available at bobcatsigs. org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/sx-mt-st-f17- cu-final.pdf. In the midst of all the centennial activity, Beta Rho's Vision for 2025 campaign continued making stellar progress, receiving additional pledges to fund the modernization of our chapter house. Last year, we raised nearly $700,000 from over 150 brothers and friends, bringing the total campaign amount to $1,541,620 from 192 contributors! If you visited Bozeman recently, you likely observed the tremendous amount of construction and economic growth in the Gallatin Valley area. As a result, construction costs have grown rapidly. Since we will not begin chapter house renovations until 2021, expenses for the project are expected to increase to as much as $2.2 million. It is our goal to mitigate any potential financial risks and reduce the mortgage to fund the project. To ensure we are able to accomplish this, we need all Beta Rho brothers who are standing on the sidelines to strongly consider contributing to the campaign now. Some alumni have expressed concerns about the overall sustainability and future health of Beta Rho. We are pleased to report that the chapter is in great financial shape, has a strong active membership, and well-trained, motivated leadership. Beta Rho is supported by a dedicated chapter advisor, as well as Sigma Chi International Headquarters, whose supportive resources include world-renowned undergraduate training programs. Last month, you may have received an e-mail from Grand Consul Tommy Geddings Jr., South Carolina '85, regarding the strong leadership position Sigma Chi has taken in the Greek world by promulgating policies to better ensure the health and safety of active members. These policies address alcohol and hazing-related concerns from colleges across the country; some of which are already in effect whilst others are expected to become implemented in the next months. If you would like to review these policy changes, they are available at international-fraternity-creates-new-policies-to- enhance-health-and-safety. Beta Rho of Sigma Chi House Company will ensure these changes are reflected in the lease with the Beta Rho Chapter and provide additional support to the active chapter as required. Our biggest goal this year is to focus on completing Beta Rho's Vision for 2025 campaign so that we can begin detailed planning for construction. There is still lots of room among the brotherhood for additional fundraising, and we ask all alumni to pitch in to ensure we reach our $2 million goal. Pledges exceeding $5,000 will be recognized on the permanent plaque that will hang in the chapter house. Donors who give $2,500 and above will receive a Beta Rho-specific commemorative centennial coin and a Beta Rho-specific commemorative centennial lapel pin. Donors who give $1,500 to $2,500 will receive the lapel pin. Both commemorative medals were designed by Brother Duane "D" Walker '79. All of Beta Rho's Vision for 2025 campaign details, as well as secure online giving, can be found on the Beta Rho website at A pledge form and return envelope is also inserted in this newsletter. Please fill out and return it today to make your gift. Join us in bringing our vision to fruition. In Hoc, Campaign Co-Chairmen Norm Achen '66 Richard Dissly '66 POSTCENTENNIAL FOCUS ON CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Beta Rho Nearing $2 Million Goal Supporting the Vision Ritchie Secor '71 on the Importance of Giving to Beta Rho R itchie Secor '71 was a legacy of Sigma Chi fraternity when he came to Montana State University. As the younger brother of Gary Secor '68, Ritchie knew the benefits of the brotherhood and how supportive it could be for incoming students. "Gary joined Beta Rho while I was in high school and I met a lot of his friends," Ritchie recalled. "I saw how much he loved the fraternity." With his older brother's encouragement, Ritchie decided to pledge Sigma Chi. The comfort of the chapter house was incomparable for Ritchie, who saw his membership as a unique opportunity to meet great friends. He learned values and ideals that he continues to live by today. He enjoyed attending chapter events and school-wide functions such as Homecoming, though the rock and roll band he played in with some of his Beta Rho brothers was the most fun. "Steve White '71, Duncan Kippen '71, Greg Rowe '72, and I played together, even performed during Derby Days one year," Ritchie stated. "I played the keyboards and harmonica mainly, but was also a vocalist." (Continued on page 3)