Theta Delta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at the Ohio State University
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BQP THETA DELTA DRAGON Beta Theta Pi at The Ohio State University • Spring 2018 A RetuRn to PRinciPles: The Campaign for Theta Delta More Than $3.6 Million Contributed to Theta Delta's Campaign To Reach Our $5 Million Goal, We Need Your Gift Today! W e have about $1.4 million remaining to reach our $5 million goal and nearly 150 of our 1,300 Theta Delta alumni have made a commitment to The Campaign for Theta Delta: A Return to Principles. A list of our alumni and friends who recognize the importance and magnitude of this campaign is inside this issue. However, in order to reach our goal, we must increase our participation level—this year we'd like to double the number of donors we have to this campaign and we need your support to make it happen! For every day that goes by that we have not reached our goal, we will continue to spend money on construction loan fees, campaign mailings, and follow-up. If you have placed your pledge card on the corner of your desk to deal with later, please dig it out of the pile, fill it out, and send it in today. We need your pledge! WHAT WE NEED So far, the average pledge has exceeded $25,000 per contributor, but we realize that not everyone can contribute at that level. We would love it if you would consider a $2,500 gift, or pledge of $500 per year for five years, or a $5,000 gift, a pledge of $1,000 per year for five years. These levels will secure your name on our permanent donor plaque. However, we know this may be a big request and every pledge, no matter the size, is needed and very much appreciated. Regardless of what you are able to give, we want to add you to our growing list of donors. WISE USE OF FUNDS As we built our Chapter House we did the best to stretch our budget as far as we could to be good stewards of your generous donations. The pledges and gifts we continue to receive will help us to pay off our construction loan and start a maintenance fund to ensure the Chapter House stays top-notch. STRONG UNDERGRADUATES Our undergraduates have done a splendid job of working together, holding each other accountable, lifting each other up to be better men, and doing what they can to keep their new home in great shape. I am thrilled to announce that they will receive the Charter back at an Installation Ceremony on April 7. A big thank-you goes to all alumni volunteers, advisors, donors, parents, and of course, our undergraduate brothers. We are excited to celebrate this momentous occasion with you. JOIN US IN APRIL We hope you will join us for the Installation Ceremony and our annual Roundup on April 7. This is a great opportunity to meet the members of our Chapter; our undergraduates are eager to meet you and give you a tour of the house. We're confident when you meet our brothers, you will be impressed with the caliber of men representing Beta Theta Pi at Ohio State. JOIN US TODAY! We ask you to join us and be a part of a significant era in Theta Delta's history. Join your brothers who have already given and help us double our participation today. This project is necessary to our success and Theta Delta is more than worthy of your investment. Yours in _kai_, Dominic Bagnoli '85 Campaign Chairman (330) 284-9008 | Theta Delta's executive board at the Beta Theta Pi Keystone Leadership Conference in Philadelphia. TheTa DelTa Welcomes 28 NeW members This spriNg T heta Delta is off to a strong start this semester with accomplishments in recruiting, academics, and philanthropy. This spring, we welcomed a class of 28 new members. Last semester our Chapter finished with a 3.39 cumulative GPA, which ranked in the top 15 of all fraternities at Ohio State. We hope to continue improving as the year progresses. Beta Theta Pi's philanthropic partnership with OSU Star House continues to be a success. Members volunteer in their warehouse every Sunday. (Continued on page 3)